Who Is Better: Toy Terrier Or Chihuahua?

Who Is Better: Toy Terrier Or Chihuahua?
Who Is Better: Toy Terrier Or Chihuahua?

Toy Terriers and Chihuahuas are one of the smallest dog breeds and look a little alike. Of course, each breed has its adherents and admirers, and asking the owners which breed they prefer is simply pointless. But if you just decided to get yourself a dog, you can make your choice impartially, based on the description of the breeds.

Who is better: Toy Terrier or Chihuahua?
Who is better: Toy Terrier or Chihuahua?

How toy terriers and chihuahuas are similar

Both are decorative, both are small in size and feel quite comfortable even in small city apartments. These are companion dogs selflessly loyal to their owner, they really need constant attention and affection, zealously monitoring that this master's attention does not go to someone else. Neither Toy Terriers nor Chihuahuas like to be alone and are very bored when this happens. They easily get used to the toilet at home, but at the same time they love to walk and should not deprive them of this pleasure.

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how to wash chihuahua

Outwardly, these breeds are also very similar, and both have both long-haired and short-haired representatives. Large eyes and erect, triangular ears are characteristic of both breeds. Both breeds are characterized by shivering, but those more often shiver from nervous overexcitation, and sneezes - from the cold or when the situation changes.

What is the Difference Between Toy Terriers and Chihuahuas

The characters of these dogs are not at all similar. The behavior of a toy terrier is always a little nervous, he does not like to stand still, and expresses his emotions with jumps and sonorous barking barks. This is a real "call" that can be used as an alarm about the approach of strangers. The Chihuahua's psyche is more stable, it is a calm, restrained dog, easily getting along with children, whom they, apparently, due to their physical fragility, do not really like. Chihuahuas react to strangers with restrained interest, and will not bark at them during the entire visit.

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how to give birth to a toy terrier

Outwardly, toy terriers look like little deer, on their high legs with a long neck and bulging eyes. Chihuahua is a more compact and squat dog, its muzzle is shorter, its nose is more snub. Toi, due to their structure, are more susceptible to injuries, fractures of the front paws are a frequent occurrence in us. Chihuahuas are one of the most ancient breeds, bred naturally, and not as a result of selection work and closely related crossing, therefore, their physical health is stronger, and the nervous system is more stable. The color of Toy is not very diverse - there are only a few of them in the breed standard, but Chihuahuas differ in very different colors, there may be several of them in one litter.

Whom to choose

If you have small children and there are often strangers in the house, choosing a Chihuahua will be preferable. But, besides this, it should be borne in mind that the cost of a Chihuahua puppy is almost twice as expensive as that of a toy terrier.
