Today, hunting is not a vital necessity for obtaining food, but rather a sport, hobby, entertainment and a kind of rest for men. But without a four-legged friend, she will not be so successful and interesting, so it is important to get a dog of the right breed.

What should be a dog for hunting a wild boar?
The main tasks of a dog in hunting ungulates are to search for it, call the owner to bark to the location of the animal, search for wounded animals, and chase. Therefore, the animal must be smart, careful, quick-witted, hardy and courageous. The dog must be able to assess the situation, understand well and obey the owner unquestioningly. For example, having found a wounded animal, which is especially dangerous, the dog, if necessary, should distract him by himself and thereby give the owner the opportunity to prepare.
Best dog breeds for hunting wild boar
The best dog for hunting big game, including wild boar - Laika. You can choose any of them: Karelian-Finnish breed, East Siberian, West Siberian, Russian-European. These dogs are naturally smart and quick-witted. They have an innate inclination to search for the pursuit of the beast. But it should be understood that each breed has its own intellectuals and mediocrity. Therefore, you can go through many dogs before finding the most gifted one.
The largest of the huskies is the East Siberian. This is a born "animal". Elk, wild boar and bear are successfully hunted with this dog. Karelo-Finns are the smallest of the huskies, they are preferable for hunting fur-bearing animals: Arctic fox, sable, squirrels. Russian-European and West Siberian Laika breeds also work well in hunting big game.
A dog of the Jagdterrier breed is suitable for this purpose. Best of all, she hunts burrowing animals (fox, hare, etc.), but she showed herself well in the boar enclosure. These dogs are more difficult than huskies. First, many terriers are unstable mentally. Secondly, often the viciousness of these dogs exceeds the permissible limits, and their courage borders on recklessness. This can lead to the death of a pet on the tusks of a wild boar. But a properly trained Jagdterrier is an excellent helper in hunting big game. However, it will take a lot of effort to raise such a dog.
You can use the mastiff to hunt wild boar. These dogs are smart, hardy, quickly understand what is required of them. Great Danes are large animals, which is important in hunting wild boars, as often the dog needs to restrain the animal.
Sometimes a good dog for such a hunt can be found among Russian hounds. Despite the fact that they are considered "burrowing", that is, they chase a fox and a hare, some individuals develop an interest in a larger animal. If the hound started working on ungulates, it will never return to the fur-bearing animal. Such a dog will become an indispensable assistant for a hunter.