What You Need To Know About Keeping Spanish Newts

What You Need To Know About Keeping Spanish Newts
What You Need To Know About Keeping Spanish Newts

Lovers of exotic animals can try to keep the Spanish newt at home. This rather unpretentious amphibian species lives well in medium-sized aquariums with water at room temperature. The Spanish newt peacefully coexists with active schooling fish and small crustaceans.

Spanish newt
Spanish newt

The Spanish newt, spiny newt, ribbed newt are different names for one animal. The first name comes from the area of natural habitation of this species of newt - Spain. It is also found in Portugal and Morocco. The other two names come from the sharp tubercles on the sides of the newt, which appear at the moment of danger. They serve as protection from the attack of predators.

An adult Spanish newt in nature reaches a size of up to 30 cm, including a tail. In captivity, it usually does not grow more than 20 cm. Moreover, females are larger than males both in length and in width. Gender differences are limited only by body size. The color of the Spanish newt is grayish-brown with gray spots. There are brown and gray-green newts.

Arrangement of the aquarium

The Spanish newt can be kept in aquariums and aquaterrariums. This animal is a cold-blooded amphibian, so the conditions for it must be appropriate.

For one specimen of the Spanish newt, aquariums with a volume of 30-40 liters are suitable, for a couple - 50 liters. A soil of medium-sized smooth stones is laid on the bottom so that the newt cannot accidentally swallow them. The newt loves shelter, so the aquarium is densely planted with live and artificial plants, decorated with driftwood, clay or coconut caves.

The aquarium should be equipped with a filter, aeration, and only plants need lighting. The Spanish newt is unpretentious, therefore it can withstand the water temperature range from 15 to 27 ° C. But the optimal temperature for it is - 20 ° C. Therefore, sometimes it is required to cool the water with ice bottles or fans.

For a newt, it is better to establish a so-called "island of land" in the aquarium. To do this, a driftwood wrapped in moss is attached to the wall of the aquarium. Its upper edge should barely reach the surface of the water so that the newt can climb the snag and stick its head out of the water. At the same time, the presence of a cover of the aquarium is mandatory, because newts tend to escape.

Nutrition of the Spanish newt

Adult newts are fed in 2-3 days, youngsters - daily. The peculiarity of feeding newts lies in the fact that during the meal they need to offer food until they themselves refuse to eat, that is, "to the dump."

Spanish newts eat earthworms, flies, bloodworms in any form, small pieces of fresh meat (chicken, beef). To avoid contaminating the water, feed the food one piece at a time with tweezers.

Features of newts

Newts have a unique gift of regeneration. If they bite off a limb in the process of a fight or attack, a new one will grow in this place after a while.

For amphibians, the skin plays a major role in respiration, it is through it that newts absorb oxygen dissolved in water. Therefore, newts often molt. The skin breaks on the head, and the newt quickly gets out of it. Then the old skin is immediately eaten away.

For a friendly neighborhood, large fish are not suitable for the newt, from which it can suffer and small fish, which immediately become its prey. The Spanish newt coexists well with medium-sized schooling fish - barbs, zebrafish, corridors and freshwater shrimps.
