Guinea Pigs - Pets

Guinea Pigs - Pets
Guinea Pigs - Pets

Guinea pigs appeared in Europe as early as the 16th century. They were brought by the Spaniards from the American continent and since then they have won the hearts of millions of pet lovers around the world. But their path to this was not so easy. There is evidence that guinea pigs were originally raised as normal pigs for food. Maybe that's why they are called pigs, although they are not very similar to them.

Guinea pigs are pets
Guinea pigs are pets

The epithet "sea" is not very suitable for them. They do not live in water and require it no more than other pets. Although a glass aquarium can be used for their maintenance, but only as a terrarium.

Guinea pigs weigh no more than 1100 grams. Males are, of course, larger than females. Their body length is 20-25 centimeters. This is a compact pet that you will not find in nature anymore. The guinea pig is a rodent.

Over the years of breeding, more than 20 species of guinea pigs have been bred. They all differ in coat color, length and texture.

Reproduction of guinea pigs takes place only at home, since they do not live in the wild. For mating, you need a female at least 2 months old and the same male. Moreover, guinea pigs can reproduce in pairs and in groups. But, nevertheless, keeping several males in one cage threatens with frequent fights between them. Pregnancy in females lasts approximately 2 months.

Guinea pigs live for about 8 years, but if they are well looked after, they can live to a ripe old age - up to 14 years.

Guinea pigs can live in a variety of cages. Except wooden ones. The little rodent will spoil it very soon. An obligatory element for the cage is its spaciousness - the animal loves to run. You need to be careful about letting it out into the room. It looks clumsy, in fact it is a very nimble animal. If the pig runs away under the closet or bed, you will have to chase after him. And you can't let him out into the yard at all.

The pigs feed on salad or cabbage. You can also feed them with hay, as it contains the vitamins they need. Guinea pigs also eat their own droppings. This cannot be prohibited. Some substances are over-etched only on the second try.

Pellets are also used to feed pigs, which also contain all the necessary nutrients. But dry.

You need to put a drinker in the cage. It is very often necessary to change the water in it, since in pigs it quickly becomes dirty.
