How To Tell If Your Dog Is About To Labor

How To Tell If Your Dog Is About To Labor
How To Tell If Your Dog Is About To Labor

The birth of puppies is a joyful event and at the same time a great responsibility for the owner. Recognizing the onset of labor and preparing for it is very important, even if you do not plan on delivering it yourself.

How to tell if your dog is about to labor
How to tell if your dog is about to labor

Signs of labor in a dog

During the preparatory period, the body prepares for the birth of puppies, the dog's birth canal opens up. The first sign is a change in the bitch's behavior. She worries, digs the floor with her paws, begins to rush and hide. An expectant mother may ask to go outside, but only after going out there she returns home. Some dogs may refuse to eat, while others, on the contrary, will not leave the bowl. It is important during this period to calm and caress the dog, to support it.

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The restless behavior of the dog is associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure. The first contractions of the uterus are almost imperceptible, and the bitch begins to feel pain, not yet very strong.

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There are also physiological signs of impending labor. In about five days, the dog's belly sinks, pits appear on the sides. If during this period you look at the bitch from above, from the side of the tail, it will seem thin.

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The day before giving birth, the body temperature of the expectant mother drops to 37 degrees, while the normal body temperature of a dog is 38-39 degrees. Also, before giving birth, puppies freeze in the womb, although before that they actively move and push.

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A few hours before giving birth, the bitch develops thick whitish discharge and the loop softens. She also has chills and tremors, breathing quickens. This suggests that the process has started, and labor will begin within 24 hours. If after a day everything remains the same and the contractions do not start, you need to take the dog to the veterinarian.

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The second stage of labor is contractions. They become more intense and pushing is added to them.

Some dogs can give birth while standing, but they usually puppies lying on their right side. If a bitch gives birth in a special box, then with each push she rests against one wall, and her croup and back is pressed against the other.

At this stage, it is easy to follow the contractions of the uterus. You need to put your hand on the dog's belly, and you will feel how the uterus hardens with the onset of the contraction and how it relaxes after. In the intervals between attempts, the bitch breathes heavily, relaxes, and during especially strong contractions, some women in labor may even scream.

Preparing for childbirth

The nest for the dog and its future puppies should be covered with clean sheets. You also need to prepare a safe heating: a heating pad or an infrared lamp. Keep in mind that hypothermia and overheating are equally scary for puppies. During childbirth, you will need another heated box - the puppies will lie here until the last of them appears. The room where the birth will take place must be quartzized, wet cleaned and vacuumed in it.

On the eve of childbirth, you need to trim the dog's belly hair, around the anus and loop. Long hair should be gathered in bunches.

Also, at the place where the birth will take place, you need to have a supply of diapers and basic necessities - an oilcloth, a basin, a thermometer, cotton wool, syringes, scales. From medicines, you will need alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, analgin, calcium gluconate, diphenhydramine and vitamin B12.
