Dwarf Dobermans: Breed Features, Care

Dwarf Dobermans: Breed Features, Care
Dwarf Dobermans: Breed Features, Care

The dwarf Doberman (miniature pinscher) was bred in Germany in the 15th century. Dogs of this breed accompanied carriages and stagecoaches, hunted for mice and rats, guarded houses and barked loudly when thieves appeared. Nowadays, pinschers are also popular, but they live in apartments and are considered family dogs.

Dwarf Dobermans: breed features, care
Dwarf Dobermans: breed features, care

Those who do not know anything about the breed consider miniature pinschers to be cowardly animals that constantly lie on the couch. Dwarf Pinschers are miniature copies of Dobermans, they are playful and full of energy, great partners for games and long walks.

External features and character of the dwarf Doberman

The Miniature Pinscher is a slender dog with well-developed muscles. Height at withers - up to 30 cm, weight - 5-6 kg. The coat is smooth and short, the color is one or two colors.

Dwarf Dobermans are kind and gentle creatures, but with the wrong upbringing, they can turn into uncontrollable, aggressive and capricious animals. Representatives of this breed are not even afraid of large dogs, they boldly rush into battle and never give up, they will fight to the last.

Miniature Pinschers do not like to sit on their hands, they are so active that they cannot stay in one place for more than 5 minutes. The only drawback of dogs of this breed is that they often bark loudly, and it seems that there are several animals in the room.

With children, the dwarf Doberman builds a good relationship. Raising a pet is easy, the miniature pinscher loves to learn and quickly understands what is required of him.

How to care for a pygmy Doberman

It is easy to look after the miniature gepers. To keep the coat shiny and well-groomed, the dog needs to be combed twice a week and wiped with a damp towel three times a month.

Dwarf Dobermans are prone to obesity, so you need to feed them in small portions no more than three times a day and provide them with regular physical activity. It is important that the diet is balanced, it is better to give preference to natural products, rather than ready-made feed.

During walks, it is imperative to use a leash, and in the cold season, to avoid frostbite of the limbs, buy warm clothes for the dog. If you leave the animal alone at home, then you must come up with exciting activities for it, otherwise disorder and spoiled things cannot be avoided.

The dwarf Doberman will become a loyal friend to both the child and the pensioner. But the dog is not suitable for those who want to get a small toy. This breed is distinguished by easy grooming, quick learning and non-conflict nature. The dog is clean, friendly with familiar people and can be aggressive with strangers. The Miniature Pinscher lends itself well to training, fearless and loyal to its master.
