Dog Training At Home: Simple Rules And Techniques

Dog Training At Home: Simple Rules And Techniques
Dog Training At Home: Simple Rules And Techniques

Dog training consists in teaching her discipline, some exercises, commands. You need to start preparing from the first day the pet appears in the house. The dog must learn one important rule - always obey its owner.

Dog training is all about discipline
Dog training is all about discipline

When to start training

You can achieve the desired result quickly if you conduct classes daily, following a specific methodology. It is necessary to be patient, as it can be very difficult to train a dog. The most appropriate time for teaching teams is 8-12 weeks from birth. The first lessons should be held every day for 10 minutes. You can take short breaks.

Teaching the first teams

The first callsigns with which you need to familiarize the puppy: "Come to me!", "Place!" The owner must pronounce them in a commanding voice to interest the pet. After correct execution should be followed by encouragement in the form of strokes, the word "Good" or treats. Teaching the word "Place" should be accompanied by a demonstration of that very habitat. This should be a mat or mat that the dog will get used to over time.

The command "To me" is repeated along with the nickname. If the dog is walking very slowly, then you need to run back, this will speed up its movement. Violent actions are unacceptable here, they can only shatter the nervous system of the animal. Before training, you do not need to feed the dog, it is better to let it be a little hungry.

In two months, you can already switch to the new Sit team. You need to take a treat, call the pet, raise the goodies to such a height that the dog sees them only while sitting. When the pet sits down, you need to loudly give the command "Sit" and feed. If the dog does not want to sit down, then it can be slightly nudged. The “Lie down” command is given from a sitting position. At first, you need to hold the dog by the withers and push the front paws forward, while repeating the command and not forgetting to encourage. The "Stand" command is trained from a prone position. The animal must be held by the belly and raised to its feet, giving the appropriate command.

At three months, the skill of walking next to the owner is already being developed. For these purposes, you need a short leash. The dog should walk on the left side of the person. During the movement, when the dog leaves, you need to command "Near", pull up the leash, then loosen it so that the dog moves freely. Repeat the action when the animal is removed.

The need for timely training

If the owner has not started training before a year, then in the end you can get a completely uncontrollable animal. Of course, you can take a pet after a year, but the training will be more difficult. The above teams can really learn at home on their own. But only an experienced instructor will help you to complete a more difficult training course.
