Should I Invite A Veterinarian To Give Birth To A Cat?

Should I Invite A Veterinarian To Give Birth To A Cat?
Should I Invite A Veterinarian To Give Birth To A Cat?

Giving birth to a cat is a real test not only for the animal, but also for its owner. After all, this event is quite long, and no one can predict how it will go. As a rule, cats give birth on their own and they do not need special help for this. However, the owners of many pets are worried and interested in whether the cat needs the help of a professional doctor at this moment.

Should I invite a veterinarian to give birth to a cat?
Should I invite a veterinarian to give birth to a cat?

Veterinarians offer worried owners of pregnant cats a detailed description of the process of childbirth - what follows what, approximately how long this or that segment of labor can last. And, of course, indicate the reasons and situations in which the help of qualified doctors is required.

When you need medical attention for the delivery of a cat

In the delivery of a cat, situations may arise that neither the animal itself nor its owner is able to correct. So, for example, it is worth seeking medical help if part of the kitten has appeared, but the mother cannot push him further, and all this lasts for quite a long time. It is also worth contacting a doctor if the cat was unable to free the newborn from the amniotic fluid. In addition, the umbilical cord not gnawed by the mother within 10 minutes after delivery and the absenteeism of the placenta are also reasons to visit a doctor. And it is desirable to quickly.

As for urgent medical attention, it may be required in the following cases:

- if the cat has a fever and has a pronounced chill;

- if the pregnancy lasts more than 70 days;

- if red discharge appears or an unpleasant smell has gone;

- if the first phase of labor (contraction) lasts more than a day, when it should be a maximum of 12 hours;

- if the cat has strong contractions that last at least 2 hours, but the kittens do not pass (this option is possible if two babies walk along the birth canal at once).

Remember that situations that require immediate medical attention are very serious and threaten the cat's health and life. If you do not take action in time, self-medicate or let everything take its course, the animal will die.

Do I need a doctor after childbirth

As a rule, a professional doctor is not required for a cat after giving birth. However, if you wish, you can take the young mother to a specialist to make sure everything is okay with her. It is better not to touch kittens up to one month of age.

It should be borne in mind that the mother cat reacts very sharply to everything and can even bite and scratch the owner if it seems to her that he is a threat to her babies. Therefore, if you decide to show the animal to the doctor, it is better to do it at home. So the mother will be calmer that she is not separated from the children, and you will not have to drag the newly born animal around potentially infectious places.

Do not forget about the maintenance of the cat's body after childbirth, be sure to consult with your doctor about the nutrition of the young mother and her intake of vitamins. Choose those drugs that your veterinarian will advise you, because they will help your pet to recover as much as possible after childbirth.
