Wild Animals

What Drug Against Ear Mites For Kittens To Choose

What Drug Against Ear Mites For Kittens To Choose

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Ear mites are harmful to the health of pets. It injures the sensitive auricle and can serve to develop otodectosis. In especially severe cases, the disease leads to the death of the animal. Ear mite symptoms Once in the ear cavity, the mite begins to injure the skin and irritate the nerve endings

How To Treat A Cat With Antibiotics

How To Treat A Cat With Antibiotics

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cats, like humans, sometimes require antibiotic treatment. And at this moment the owners start having problems - after all, giving the animal an antibiotic is quite problematic. It is worth considering a number of nuances and rules that will help to properly treat a sick animal

How To Give A Cat Laxative

How To Give A Cat Laxative

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many human diseases are also common in animals, and constipation is no exception. Constipation in cats is dangerous because if it is not diagnosed on time, it can cause irreparable harm to the health of your pet. The best way to relieve an animal is a laxative

How Ear Mites Are Transmitted

How Ear Mites Are Transmitted

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Ear mites are small parasites that affect the ear canals of domestic animals - cats and dogs. There are cases when ear mites passed from pets to owners, i.e. of people. Instructions Step 1 Although the ear mite is negligible, it is not at all difficult to detect it

How To Treat Cat Ears

How To Treat Cat Ears

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Ear diseases are common in cats. Any inflammatory process can lead to deafness of the animal, which will reduce the quality of its life. Therefore, start immediate treatment as soon as you notice excessive sulfur production, as well as itching (the cat begins to scratch the ear a lot)

How To Get Rid Of Ticks In Cats

How To Get Rid Of Ticks In Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many people think that ear mites are only a problem for stray animals. Unfortunately, even pets are not immune from this disease. Therefore, it is extremely important to regularly check the ears of cats. In the event that black dots, a large amount of sulfur, similar to flakes, were found in the ears of the animal, then it is necessary to urgently start treatment

How To Give Your Cat Pain Reliever

How To Give Your Cat Pain Reliever

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In nature, there are no perpetual motion machines or perfectly debugged systems that never fail. Likewise, the feline body is sometimes under the influence of external and internal pathogenic factors, the result of which is disease. Taking painkillers can improve the well-being of a pet suffering from a serious chronic illness or injury

How To Give Injections To A Cat

How To Give Injections To A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many pet owners treat their pets like family members and are very worried if they get sick. They are ready to buy expensive medicines and pay for the services of the best specialists in order to cure their pet. Veterinarians often give cats and dogs subcutaneous or intramuscular injections

How To Give Your Dog An Intramuscular Injection

How To Give Your Dog An Intramuscular Injection

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Our four-legged friends, dogs, have already become family members, just like people get sick. And their diseases are no less severe than those of people. Those that do not go away on their own, but require visits to the veterinarian and take various medications

How To Wean A Cat From Aiming At A Door

How To Wean A Cat From Aiming At A Door

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The cat marks the door not for the sake of hooliganism and not in order to piss you off. Instinct makes the animal fight for a place in the sun among their own kind. He has special glands that produce a specific secret. When this secretion is mixed with urine, a pungent-smelling substance is created with which the cat marks the boundaries of its territory

How To Tame Your Cat

How To Tame Your Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The cat is a rather wayward animal. She is very independent and cunning, but you can still tame her, and such attempts were made in ancient times. Cats succumbed to a person who did not spare anything for them, because being wild and living in the forest, they did not see affection and care, and the response of these animals was the protection of a person and his household

How To Stop Your Dog From Urinating On The Bed

How To Stop Your Dog From Urinating On The Bed

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A well-bred dog will become a true friend and loyal protector to its owner. However, in order to freely enjoy the company of his beloved dog, he must learn all the rules of behavior in your apartment. One of the biggest problems is when the animal makes puddles in the wrong places at all

How To Give A Shot To A Cat?

How To Give A Shot To A Cat?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It's no secret that our smaller brothers, like people, sometimes get sick, and some of them need injections at such a time. Of course, if only one injection is required, then you can go to the vet, but if you have a whole course? Is it expensive and there is no time to go to the clinic?

Whiskas: Is It True That It Is Harmful To The Health Of The Cat?

Whiskas: Is It True That It Is Harmful To The Health Of The Cat?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

"Whiskas" is one of the most widespread, advertised and cheap cat food. Despite its popularity, this is far from the best food for your pet - it does not contain all the elements the animal needs, it is made from production waste or stale meat, it can cause urolithiasis and other diseases

What Do Worms Look Like In Dogs

What Do Worms Look Like In Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The most common problem for dog owners is their pet's worm infestation. No matter how the owner tries to protect the dog from this trouble, the worms still appear, tk. their eggs are everywhere, and the animal may even breathe them in and become infected

How To Treat Cat Dermatitis

How To Treat Cat Dermatitis

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dermatitis in cats is quite common. They occur for a variety of reasons, but the most common of these is allergies. The cat constantly scratches itself with its paws, licks it with its tongue, as a result, wounds appear on the skin from scratching, and hair falls out

What Can Be Given To A Cat From Worms

What Can Be Given To A Cat From Worms

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Even a cat that does not leave the apartment can acquire parasites. Therefore, owners should think in advance about how to prevent their appearance, and also know how to rid the animal of worms. The options for infecting your pet with worms vary

How To Tell If A Cat Has Worms

How To Tell If A Cat Has Worms

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Almost every home has a favorite pet, especially in families with small children. Many preference is given to cats, as animals, rather unpretentious in everyday life. It is quite simple to potty train a kitten, feed it too, and the joy of children from playing with their beloved pet will not leave indifferent any adult

How To Know If A Cat Has Worms

How To Know If A Cat Has Worms

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

By purchasing a pet, not everyone is ready for what awaits them. Animals, like humans, have their own character, they can change mood, addictions. And just like people, they get sick. The difficulty lies in the fact that far from always a person is able to recognize the disease in time, because many symptoms do not appear immediately, and it is not always possible for animals to report their discomfort so that the owner understands

How To Treat Gums In Cats

How To Treat Gums In Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Unfortunately, diseases of the mouth, teeth and gums are common in domestic cats. Owners of furry pets must determine the disease in time and begin the correct treatment. Instructions Step 1 Examine the cat's mouth. Inflamed gums and tongue, red lumps, sores are symptoms of stomatitis

How To Cure An Ulcer In A Cat

How To Cure An Ulcer In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Stomach ulcer is a disease typical for domestic cats, whose diet is not specialized food, but food "off the table" or budget food and canned food. In addition, an ulcer can be the result of gastritis, intestinal diseases or mechanical damage to the stomach

How To Identify A Cat Disease

How To Identify A Cat Disease

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is not always possible to recognize a cat's disease at first glance. Sometimes the animal looks healthy, but a loving owner notices changes in the pet's behavior and begins to sound the alarm. In order not to overload the veterinarian once again in vain, calling him for every trifle, it is easier to learn how to identify the signs of cat ailment yourself

What Smell Cats Can't Stand

What Smell Cats Can't Stand

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cats can cause great inconvenience to their owners with their curiosity. In order not to tire themselves with training, the owners often prefer to scare the animal away from those places where it should not go, with the help of odors that are unpleasant for the cat

Why Do Cats Trample

Why Do Cats Trample

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Usually domestic cats are devoid of any aggressiveness. If an animal bites and scratches, it means that it is afraid of something or defends its territory. Growing up in apartment conditions, cats take the owner for their breadwinner. It so happens that the cat is marking time in one place, as if marching

How To Cure A Cat At Home

How To Cure A Cat At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Domestic cats live long and do not differ in fragile health. However, if the animal does not feel well, you will need to treat it. A specialist will help to establish an accurate diagnosis, but you can take care of your pet yourself. Cats end up in stationary conditions on very rare occasions

"Dentavidin" For The Care Of Problem Gums And Teeth In Dogs And Cats: Instructions For Use

"Dentavidin" For The Care Of Problem Gums And Teeth In Dogs And Cats: Instructions For Use

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

What to do if your pet starts to have toothache, bleeding gums, tartar or caries, or an unpleasant odor? In this case, you need to immediately start treatment, but it is better to avoid such problems and take care of everything in advance. And the zoohygienic agent for dogs and cats "

How To Wean A Dog From Being Afraid

How To Wean A Dog From Being Afraid

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The fear of harsh and loud sounds has become widespread among dogs of all breeds in recent decades. The sound of a firecracker exploding leads the dog into a state of panic. The consequences of such a fright can be very sad, for example, a dog escaping from its owner wherever they look

How Animals Prepare For Winter

How Animals Prepare For Winter

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Due to a significant reduction in food volumes and prolonged cold weather, the animals in the forest have a difficult time during the winter. That is why many of them begin to prepare for this time in early autumn, and some even in summer. And only some wild animals boldly meet the winter without preparation

How To Train French Bulldogs

How To Train French Bulldogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Mistakes during dog training can lead to unpleasant consequences. For this reason, before starting training, it is recommended to consult with professionals and study the peculiarities of raising dogs of this breed. Instructions Step 1 Be sure to let your dog know that during training, he must do what you ask him to do

How Is Versicolor Spread In Dogs

How Is Versicolor Spread In Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Lichen is a contagious disease that occurs when fungi of the Microsporum series come into contact with the skin. The infection adapts well to the new environment, which is why lichen is very common. Infection routes Lichen in dogs occurs as a result of contact with a carrier of the fungus

How To Treat A Subcutaneous Mite In A Dog

How To Treat A Subcutaneous Mite In A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The subcutaneous mite in dogs is an endoparasite that lives in the sebaceous glands of the skin, the inner layer of the epidermis, and hair follicles. Both an animal and a person can be its carrier. Ticks can cause diseases that affect not only the outer skin, but also the internal organs

How To Bring Down A Dog's Temperature

How To Bring Down A Dog's Temperature

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Heat is a serious thing. Especially if it rises in a child or pet. If such a misfortune has happened to your dog and you see that it needs your help, do not panic and be afraid, the temperature can be brought down. It is only important to do it correctly so as not to harm the animal even more, because some drugs, if used ineptly, can be very dangerous

How To Measure Your Dog's Temperature

How To Measure Your Dog's Temperature

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you notice that your dog has become lethargic, refuses to eat and drinks a lot, while it may have a hot nose, you need to measure its temperature. It is necessary Thermometer, clock, petroleum jelly (oil, cream). Instructions Step 1 Ask someone to insure you - to hold the dog

How Does Dog Labor Go?

How Does Dog Labor Go?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Pregnancy in dogs lasts about 60 days. At this time, the bitch needs proper care and nutrition. The owner should familiarize himself with the signs of the onset of labor in advance in order to help the pet in time and take the puppies into the world

What To Do If Your Dog Is Poisoned

What To Do If Your Dog Is Poisoned

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The causes of poisoning in dogs can be very different. This is both low-quality food and stale food. Some owners may not notice how their pet picks up a sausage skin or a herring head during a walk. All of these can easily cause gastrointestinal upset in a dog

How To Inject A Cat Subcutaneously

How To Inject A Cat Subcutaneously

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When an animal falls ill, the question arises of its treatment outside the hospital. Some hosts are experiencing this for the first time and have difficulty administering medication. Cats and cats are given liquid medicines through the mouth, but what if they need to be injected subcutaneously?

Gamavit For Cats: How To Use?

Gamavit For Cats: How To Use?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

"Gamavit" is a universal remedy for the correction of immunity in animals and birds. Its components activate the body's metabolic processes and normalize the blood parameters of the animal. You can take "Gamavit" for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes

How To Treat Pinched Vertebrae In A Dog

How To Treat Pinched Vertebrae In A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The owner, who is attentive to his pet, always notices if something is wrong with the dog. Often in pets of venerable age, pinching of the vertebrae occurs, which prevents the animal from leading a normal life. Only a veterinarian can treat this disease, so you cannot do without contacting a veterinarian

How To Treat Dachshunds

How To Treat Dachshunds

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Although the dachshund is one of the strongest and healthiest dog breeds in the world, it is also capable of getting sick. There are ailments that are most characteristic of this particular breed. If the dachshund gets sick, do not worry - most of the health disorders in these dogs are easily treatable

How To Trim A Fluffy Cat?

How To Trim A Fluffy Cat?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Long and fluffy coat makes the cat very beautiful. However, in the hot season, it can interfere with the animal. The cat will shed, giving you additional trouble. Try to trim your pet - if done correctly, the process will not cause any inconvenience to the animal