What Can Be Given To A Cat From Worms

What Can Be Given To A Cat From Worms
What Can Be Given To A Cat From Worms

Even a cat that does not leave the apartment can acquire parasites. Therefore, owners should think in advance about how to prevent their appearance, and also know how to rid the animal of worms.

What can be given to a cat from worms
What can be given to a cat from worms

The options for infecting your pet with worms vary. For example, a cat ate raw meat, fish, just ran over the place where the owner's dirty shoes were, and then washed its paws with its tongue. Kittens can be infected from a mother cat.

Signs of infection are as follows:

  • the animal's appetite changes;
  • discharge from the eyes or fur begins to creep;
  • vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea occurs;
  • dermatitis appears.

These signs can be suspicious if the worms are not visible in the animal's feces. But they may not be symptoms of this particular disease. Therefore, it is better to make it a habit to carry out infection prevention every six months.

The amount of the drug with anthelmintic effect must be calculated depending on the weight of the cat. The most commonly used are the following:

  • drontal - if used correctly, side effects are absent or insignificant, but the release form is only in tablets;
  • prazicide is quite effective and inexpensive compared to other drugs, but it also has a severe effect on the body, causing vomiting and decreased appetite;
  • milbemax - applied once, the effect is on both sexually mature parasites and larvae;
  • Profender - drops on the withers, convenient for cats that can't get pills.

There are other anthelmintic drugs that you should consult with your veterinarian about.

You must strictly follow the instructions attached to the selected product. Often they should not be used - this negatively affects the functioning of the liver. It is better to direct forces to strengthen the animal's immunity - such cats are less susceptible to infections.
