How To Inject A Cat Subcutaneously

How To Inject A Cat Subcutaneously
How To Inject A Cat Subcutaneously

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When an animal falls ill, the question arises of its treatment outside the hospital. Some hosts are experiencing this for the first time and have difficulty administering medication. Cats and cats are given liquid medicines through the mouth, but what if they need to be injected subcutaneously?

How to inject a cat subcutaneously
How to inject a cat subcutaneously


Step 1

First you need to prepare everything you need for the injection. Lay clean gauze on a hard surface and spread disposable syringes, ampoules and antiseptic liquid on it.

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how to inject a cat intramuscularly

Step 2

Carefully open the ampoule and draw up the medicine, avoiding air getting into the syringe.

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do the right injection in the withers

Step 3

Lay the cat on its side and pat on the back. Talk to the cat in a calm, even tone and treat him with delicious food from your hand.

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how to give an injection to a cat

Step 4

Then, pinch the skin near the spine, pull back and insert the syringe needle into the skin fold parallel to the spine. This is where the largest blood vessels accumulate, which allows the drug to be absorbed faster. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the depth of needle insertion, no more than 2-3 cm.

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Step 5

You should not treat the skin of the cat, since it itself develops disinfecting properties, however, if there is a risk that the wound will get dirty, for example, the cat walks outside, then you can treat the injection site with an antiseptic solution.

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Step 6

After the medicine has been injected completely, the needle should be pulled out of the skin and gently talked to the cat, calm down and give something tasty again.
