Almost every home has a favorite pet, especially in families with small children. Many preference is given to cats, as animals, rather unpretentious in everyday life. It is quite simple to potty train a kitten, feed it too, and the joy of children from playing with their beloved pet will not leave indifferent any adult. However, one should not forget about the possible dangers: cats often have parasites - both fleas and worms (especially if the animal walks on the street and has contact with stray cats). It is rather difficult to determine the presence of helminths (worms), but preliminary conclusions can still be drawn.

Step 1
Take the cat in your arms, feel the belly. If the cat is healthy, then its belly is soft. If the belly is swollen or hardened, then this may be one of the symptoms of the presence of helminths in your pet's body.
Step 2
Prepare for a much more unpleasant procedure and examine the animal's stool for white worms wiggling. If the larvae are available, buy an anthelmintic agent sold in all specialty stores and veterinary clinics. But see your veterinarian first.
Step 3
If the stool is clear, monitor your pet's appetite. With an increased appetite, a constant feeling of hunger, the animal can also be infected, especially if it does not gain weight, but, on the contrary, melts like a candle every day.
Step 4
Observe your cat after eating. Please note: if she has vomiting or vomiting, as with chronic helminthiasis, parasites can come out in this way.
Step 5
Don't panic if you do find that your pet is infected with helminths. Despite the fact that the animal does not feel in the best way at this time, it is still able to accept treatment. Take the cat to the hospital, carry out all the specialist's appointments, and then carry out quarterly parasite prophylaxis.
Step 6
Remember that helminthiasis can also be transmitted to humans. Therefore, in any case, you will have to undergo the treatment procedure with your pet.
If you follow these simple rules, the cat's stay in the house will not cause much trouble. The animal will feel like a full member of the family and will thank the owners with its affection and love.