How To Raise A Pekingese

How To Raise A Pekingese
How To Raise A Pekingese

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The adorable Pekingese does not leave indifferent even those who do not particularly like dogs. But those who, succumbing to the charm of the Pekingese, want to settle it in their house by all means, it is worth remembering that this is not a living toy, but a living creature. And he needs to be properly educated - so that life with a Pekingese is truly harmonious and problem-free.

How to raise a Pekingese
How to raise a Pekingese


Step 1

Like all decorative dogs, the Pekingese has a complex character. The breeders of these dogs note their stubbornness, tendency to dominate. Sometimes Pekingese are happy to get involved in fights. At the same time, they are very affectionate, jealous and do not tolerate loneliness.

name for pikines
name for pikines

Step 2

The most important question for a dog is walking mode. It is advisable to walk an adult Pekingese 3 times a day, for 15-20 minutes. The puppy will need even more frequent walks - 4-5 times a day. Long marathons are contraindicated for Pekingese - they should not overwork. If you can't get your Pekingese to walk properly, buy a small dog litter box (with a dedicated dog bollard). This tray will help out on too cold or rainy days - Pekingese do not like frost and dampness.

how to train pikiness at home
how to train pikiness at home

Step 3

Be sure to train your Pekingese with a collar and leash. It's not a bad idea to buy a wet-weather jumpsuit for him. Before you take the dog in all this ammunition into the yard, practice at home - the dog must get used to his new outfit. If the dog is guilty, do not yell at him and, moreover, do not spank. Your pet may just get scared, not understanding what he is being punished for. In a calm, stern voice, chastise your dog. Pekingese are stubborn, but rather quick-witted.

Pekingese puppy food
Pekingese puppy food

Step 4

The luxurious coat of the Pekingese is a great concern for their owners. Buy a massage brush and a rare metal comb with rounded teeth to comb out any tangles. The problem areas of the Pekingese are the collar, armpits and luxurious "pants". This is where the wool can roll. Avoid this by teaching your puppy to be comfortable with daily brushing. Even if your dog does not participate in exhibitions, he should look neat. Do not play with it while brushing - the dog should not consider brushes and combs as toys or torture tools.

How to punish a puppy
How to punish a puppy

Step 5

Pekingese need companionship. Even older dogs love to play. Buy soft balls for the dog - he simply cannot take smooth balls in his teeth. To prevent your dog from becoming shy and unsociable, communicate with him as much as possible. A pet needs half an hour of daily communication. As stressful as your schedule is, include talking to your dog and scratching behind his ear. Pekingese need not only affectionate words, but also tactile contact.

How to care for a Pekingese
How to care for a Pekingese

Step 6

The Pekingese is a very quick-witted dog, but he does not belong to service dogs and is not obliged to understand you perfectly. He is also unlikely to bring slippers in his teeth. But he will quickly remember his nickname, learn the commands "Fu", "Walk", "To me" and "Place". Repeat the commands more often and be sure to reward your dog with your favorite treat for doing it right.

Step 7

If there are children in the house, do not allow them to constantly squeeze the dog, chase it, involve in too noisy games. Your pet should be able to rest. Remember that he has a rather fragile psyche; in adverse conditions, the dog can become nervous and even aggressive. But with a calm and kind attitude, he will be wayward, but very friendly - just like a real Pekingese should be.
