Wild Animals

How To Breed Protein

How To Breed Protein

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Squirrels attract attention with their mobility, which they constantly need. Therefore, in no case should they be placed in a cramped cage. However, this is far from the only condition for the successful breeding of these bright representatives of the rodent class

Inflammation Of The Paraanal Glands In Cats: Symptoms And Treatment

Inflammation Of The Paraanal Glands In Cats: Symptoms And Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Located at the base of the animal's tail, the so-called paraanal sacs are usually regularly freed from the fetid secretion they produce. If, due to the aging of the cat or for some other reason, their self-cleaning does not occur, problems cannot be avoided

How To Treat Cystitis In Cats At Home

How To Treat Cystitis In Cats At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Diseases of the urinary system are one of the most common diagnoses in cats and cats. The causes of the disease can be hereditary factors, errors in nutrition, injury and hypothermia. First of all, you should pay attention to the symptoms that precede diseases of the urinary system

How To Raise Broilers Without Losses

How To Raise Broilers Without Losses

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Breeding broiler chickens is an opportunity to get tasty dietary meat in a short time. With a properly selected diet, the bird gains marketable weight in 70-80 days. Broilers are demanding in terms of housing conditions, in order to grow them without loss, it is important to provide proper care

Why Does The Cat Vomit

Why Does The Cat Vomit

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Vomiting for cats is a kind of body defense mechanism. Such reflexes arise for several reasons, which are not always associated with diseases or infections. Attention should be paid not only to the general condition of the animal, but also to the frequency of vomiting, and also to identify its causes

What Predators Are Called Obligate

What Predators Are Called Obligate

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you conduct a survey among random passers-by on the topic "who are obligate animals", then every second will answer that this is a predator, and to some extent will be right. Few of the individuals with an average level of thinking know the exact answer to the question posed

How To Know When To Give Your Cat A Birth Control Shot

How To Know When To Give Your Cat A Birth Control Shot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The issue of contraception is especially acute for cat owners, since some individuals are already ready to mate and reproduce again a week or two after giving birth, while still feeding kittens. Contraceptive injections are one way to temporarily stop estrus

How To Choose A Sharpei

How To Choose A Sharpei

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Taking the time to carefully select your Shar Pei puppy will ensure you have many years of joyful life with your new pet. Find your dog and he will become a true friend of your family. Instructions Step 1 Start choosing in advance

What To Do If A Cat Has A Swollen Nipple

What To Do If A Cat Has A Swollen Nipple

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Domestic cats are human friends, beloved pets, furry family members. Their health and well-being largely depends on the owners. Therefore, you need to be attentive and sensitive to your pets, pay attention to their mood and monitor their health, because cats themselves cannot complain about the disease

Heat In Dogs: What Is It And How Does It Go

Heat In Dogs: What Is It And How Does It Go

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

An experienced dog breeder should know everything about the physiology of a dog, about the processes that occur in the body of animals. Techka is a natural process common to all female mammals. When heat occurs The first estrus occurs at 6-12 months from birth

How To Treat Mastopathy In Dogs

How To Treat Mastopathy In Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Mastopathy is a benign breast tumor. This disease is quite common among bitches over 7 years old. The neoplasm most often appears on the fifth pair of mammary glands. Instructions Step 1 A breast tumor can be either single or multiple

Why Does A Kitten's Eye Fester?

Why Does A Kitten's Eye Fester?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In small kittens, owners often notice a small amount of pus in the eyes. Its appearance can be caused by various factors - both natural and pathological. So that the animal does not subsequently have complications with vision, special attention should be paid to festering eyes, having understood the symptoms and methods of their treatment

Symptoms And Treatment Of Intestinal Obstruction In A Cat

Symptoms And Treatment Of Intestinal Obstruction In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Pets, like people, are susceptible to various diseases, often animals cannot cope with the disease themselves, at such moments their life completely depends on the person - the owner of the animal and the veterinarian. If the owner realized that the cat or the cat has intestinal obstruction:

How To Treat Colitis In Cats

How To Treat Colitis In Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A cat's activity and good appetite do not mean that she is completely healthy. Some diseases may not affect the animal's appearance, lifestyle and behavior. These diseases include colitis. Symptoms of the disease Colitis is a disease of the large intestine

How To Cure Constipation In A Cat Or Cat

How To Cure Constipation In A Cat Or Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If your pet is not eating well, is lethargic, and looks depressed, it is possible that he or she is constipated. Absence of stool, pain when pressing on the abdominal area can also be considered as symptoms. Constipation is most common in older or overweight cats

Inflammation Of The Paraanal Glands In Dogs: Causes, Treatment

Inflammation Of The Paraanal Glands In Dogs: Causes, Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The paraanal glands belong to a special group of skin glands for the reproduction of sebaceous or sweat secretions. The secret is quite odorous and necessary to scare off enemies or attract individuals of the opposite sex. The first symptoms of the disease The release of secretion from the paraanal glands occurs during each bowel movement, as well as during the period of sexual activity, stress, great mobility

How To Treat A False Pregnancy In A Dog

How To Treat A False Pregnancy In A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

False pregnancy in dogs is quite common. Moreover, this is not a disease in the literal sense of the word. A false pregnancy is understood as a number of symptoms that are inherent only in pregnant dogs. Typically, these symptoms appear 6 to 12 weeks after estrus

How To Treat Rickets In Dogs

How To Treat Rickets In Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Rickets is a change in the structure and deformation of bone tissue, which is more common in young dogs and puppies. It is caused by a lack of vitamin D in the body and impaired calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Most often, rickets manifests itself during the period of intensive growth in dogs of large breeds, at the age of about six months

How To Measure Your Cat's Temperature

How To Measure Your Cat's Temperature

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In cats, as in humans, many diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. And when contacting a veterinarian for advice, the question is often asked whether the animal's temperature is normal. But how do you measure the temperature of a cat?

How To Help Your Cat Recover From Anesthesia

How To Help Your Cat Recover From Anesthesia

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cats in their lives have to endure anesthesia for various reasons and each time they can get away from it rather hard. At the same time, the owners are very worried, not knowing how to help their pet to endure this difficult period. It is impossible to completely relieve the cat of discomfort after anesthesia, but it is quite possible to alleviate its condition

How To Treat A Cat For Worms

How To Treat A Cat For Worms

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

There is hardly anything that can shock an unprepared person as much as the helminths seen with his own eyes in the excrement of his cat. Do not panic and drive away from yourself an animal that does not understand anything - the pet needs to be urgently treated for parasites

How To Measure Temperature In Cats

How To Measure Temperature In Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Normal body temperature for a cat is about 38.5 degrees. A deviation from this figure may indicate an animal's illness. Often this is how the first symptoms of the disease appear. So if there are doubts about the health of the pet, you should immediately measure its temperature

How To Remove Worms From A Kitten

How To Remove Worms From A Kitten

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The little kitten wants to explore the whole world. And in his search, he is absolutely not protected from various parasites. But what should the owners do in a situation when their pet has become infected with worms? Instructions Step 1 Find out the exact age of your kitten

"Imunofan" For Dogs: Instruction

"Imunofan" For Dogs: Instruction

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Imunofan is the newest peptide drug developed by Russian doctors. It has a regulatory effect on the immune system, affecting oxidative-antioxidant processes. This immunomodulatory drug can be used to treat not only humans, but also animals, including dogs

How To Give A Pill To A Cat

How To Give A Pill To A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Sometimes the cat gets sick and needs help. However, feeding a pill to a fluffy four-legged friend is quite difficult, since not every cat eats the medicine on its own. Usually, the owner of the animal has to take the most direct part in this whole process

What To Do If A Kitten Is Vomiting

What To Do If A Kitten Is Vomiting

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Vomiting in animals is a protective reaction that allows you to clear the gastrointestinal tract of toxic substances and foreign objects. Vomiting in kittens is a fairly common occurrence, which may indicate the presence of a serious illness

How To Feed A Weak Kitten

How To Feed A Weak Kitten

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Sometimes a weak baby comes across in a litter of newborn kittens. Active brothers and sisters push him away from the nipples, and the mother cat often ignores such a kitten, preferring strong offspring. As a result, a weak animal may die. But if you notice it in time and take the issue of nutrition into your own hands, the baby is quite capable of gaining weight and regaining health

How To Treat A Kitten For A Cold

How To Treat A Kitten For A Cold

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In cats, just like in humans, hypothermia can cause colds. This disease is especially pronounced in kittens. At the first manifestations of a cold, treatment should be started immediately so that complications do not arise. Instructions Step 1 Your kitten has a cough, a slight runny nose, and has decreased appetite, and you notice that he has become less active and playful

How To Treat A Runny Nose In Cats

How To Treat A Runny Nose In Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A runny nose is an inflammation of the lining of the cat's nose. It can occur if your pet is in a draft and overcooled. It can also appear as a complication in infectious and non-infectious diseases. Instructions Step 1 First, take a closer look at your cat

How To Feed Your Ferret

How To Feed Your Ferret

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Ferrets are interesting and cute animals. They have been domesticated for a long time and can become your kind and loyal companions. Caring for ferrets is different from caring for other pets. Feeding should also be special. It is necessary -live food

How Fish Swim

How Fish Swim

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The swimming methods of fish are so diverse that you can talk about them for hours. The main parts of the fish body are muscles and fins, it is with their help that fish move in the water. The world of oceans, seas, rivers and lakes is filled with many inhabitants

How Insects Breathe

How Insects Breathe

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Insects are so unlike humans. Their embryonic development proceeds with transformations, they have an external, not an internal skeleton, their circulatory and central nervous systems differ. Even insects breathe quite differently from mammals

How To Cure A Kitten's Runny Nose

How To Cure A Kitten's Runny Nose

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

At first glance, such a frivolous ailment, like a runny nose, can cause a lot of inconvenience to a kitten. In addition, a runny nose can be a symptom of a disease or a consequence of an allergy. You shouldn't be dismissive of the health of your furry pets

How To Treat Gingivitis In Dogs

How To Treat Gingivitis In Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Small and decorative dog breeds often suffer from diseases such as gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums can lead to diseases of the teeth and the entire mouth. Timely prevention and treatment of gingivitis will keep your dog's teeth and mouth healthy

How To Treat A Tick In A Parrot

How To Treat A Tick In A Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The cause of diseases in budgerigars can be mites of the Knemidokoptes species. The tiny mite usually settles in the upper layers of the epidermis of the parrot's skin around the bird's eyes, beak, paws and cloaca. Some mites can cause severe itching in the animal, as well as spongy growths on the face and legs of a parrot

How To Treat Eye Conditions In Cats

How To Treat Eye Conditions In Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Eye diseases are common in cats. With their timely detection and correctly prescribed therapy by a veterinarian, these diseases can be cured. The veterinarian, depending on the diagnosis, prescribes the necessary medications. The most common eye diseases in cats are conjunctivitis, epiphora (lacrimation), a foreign body in the eye, and eye damage

What To Do With The Cat

What To Do With The Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The appearance of a new resident in the house - a cat - can become a real problem, because not all of them have been trained in the necessary skills from childhood. Raising and teaching a pet the necessary habits occurs gradually, but it has its fruits

Diseases Of Cats - Symptoms And Treatment

Diseases Of Cats - Symptoms And Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

They say cats have nine lives. The question is controversial, and no one has yet given an unambiguous answer to it. But since cats have lived next to people for many thousands of years, taking care of their health is a human task. A healthy cat is happiness in the family It is well known that communication with a cat not only calms the nervous system, but also has a beneficial effect on the heart, lowers blood pressure

What Diseases Are Transmitted To Cats And Dogs From Ticks

What Diseases Are Transmitted To Cats And Dogs From Ticks

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The spring-summer period is dangerous by the appearance of ticks - the smallest animals that dig into the skin and feed on blood. Their favorite habitats are deciduous forests, wet marshlands with tall grass. Ticks are increasingly common in urban green spaces

How To Cure An Ear Mite In A Cat

How To Cure An Ear Mite In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

An ear mite is a tiny organism that settles in the ears of an animal and leads to inflammation and the penetration of infections. Most often, the parasite affects the ears of cats. If this happens, you need to immediately start ridding the pet of the infection