How To Cure An Ulcer In A Cat

How To Cure An Ulcer In A Cat
How To Cure An Ulcer In A Cat

Table of contents:


Stomach ulcer is a disease typical for domestic cats, whose diet is not specialized food, but food "off the table" or budget food and canned food. In addition, an ulcer can be the result of gastritis, intestinal diseases or mechanical damage to the stomach.


It is necessary

Veterinarian examination, dietary food for cats, specialized medications


Step 1

A stomach ulcer can be characterized by changes in the behavior of a pet. As a rule, at the onset of the disease, the cat can become apathetic, "lazy" in appearance. If this behavior is not typical for the animal, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian for testing. The sooner a stomach ulcer is detected, the sooner treatment can be started. Medications are prescribed depending on the severity of the stomach damage and the stage of the disease.

Step 2

The most important thing that requires intervention for stomach ulcers in cats is the mode and content of feeding. In no case should you give your cat food "off the table", especially hot or very cold (from the refrigerator). The ideal temperature for cat food is at room temperature. The diet should not contain any spices, salt, pepper, smoked meats. Cats love it very much, but, unfortunately, the use of such products leads to diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

Step 3

During attacks of ulcers, it is better to feed the cat with lukewarm cereals (boiled rice and oatmeal is ideal) and broths, jelly and other foods with a pronounced enveloping effect. Some manufacturers of expensive feeds have specialized dietary feeds (available in dry and canned form). Dry food must be filled with water or milk and kept until gruel forms. It is worth feeding a cat during attacks of stomach ulcers 4-5 times a day, in small portions, which include only dietary food.

Step 4

Veterinarians prescribe pain relievers, coatings and sedatives to animals suffering from peptic ulcers, which must be administered subcutaneously or added to food. In any case, only a qualified specialist can prescribe a specific drug and only after examining each specific animal.

Step 5

In cases of a sharp exacerbation (perforation of the ulcer), the contents of the stomach can be poured into the abdominal cavity of the cat, which is very dangerous for the health and life of the animal. In such cases, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinarian who can perform surgery and stop the development of peritonitis and septic shock. Often such exacerbations occur with a progressive ulcer.

Step 6

Prevention of stomach ulcers and gastritis reduces the risk of these diseases by 70%. The most important element of prevention is proper nutrition of the cat. The animal must be fed with good proven feed, protected from human food with a large amount of spices and salt.
