How To Treat Cat Dermatitis

How To Treat Cat Dermatitis
How To Treat Cat Dermatitis

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Dermatitis in cats is quite common. They occur for a variety of reasons, but the most common of these is allergies. The cat constantly scratches itself with its paws, licks it with its tongue, as a result, wounds appear on the skin from scratching, and hair falls out. This condition is very disturbing to the animal and gives it a lot of inconvenience.

How to treat cat dermatitis
How to treat cat dermatitis

It is necessary

Herbal teas that relieve itching, strongly brewed black tea, remedies for allergies


Step 1

Find out the cause of the dermatitis; your veterinarian will help you. He will also prescribe the treatment that is suitable for your animal. The doctor will need to tell you about what you feed your cat, about the features of her lifestyle - if the dermatitis caused an allergy in the cat, the doctor will try to find out the cause.

Step 2

Very common causes of dermatitis in cats are food allergies or allergies to flea saliva. If an animal is allergic to fleas, even one insect bite will cause the whole body to itch and scratch. Treat the animal for parasites - apply flea remedy, give medicine for worms.

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Step 3

First, it is necessary to exclude the causes of dermatitis and at the same time begin to treat its manifestations. To eliminate itching, all kinds of allergy remedies will help, you should not prescribe them yourself - consult your veterinarian. Various homeopathic remedies can also be used, but if the problem persists after a few days, see your doctor. External remedies will help relieve itching and eliminate sores - these are soothing and healing ointments, strongly brewed and cooled black tea, herbal decoctions. Apply a cloth soaked in this infusion to the sore on the animal's body three to four times a day.

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Step 4

Brush the coat thoroughly. If the coat is matted, this also causes discomfort to the cat. Under such wool ticks, fleas are comfortable, and bacteria multiply very quickly there. Do not let the cat constantly lick the areas that bother her, distract her. Animals lick their scratches so diligently that they do not allow them to heal.

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Step 5

If you see that the animal is suffering, do not postpone a visit to the veterinarian - the cause of dermatitis may not be at all what you think about, and before starting treatment, you should definitely listen to the opinion of a specialist.
