Lichen is a contagious disease that occurs when fungi of the Microsporum series come into contact with the skin. The infection adapts well to the new environment, which is why lichen is very common.

Infection routes
Lichen in dogs occurs as a result of contact with a carrier of the fungus. After playing with a sick pet, the dog becomes a carrier of the infection. The clinical picture may not appear immediately, the fungus during this period is a secret threat. Lichen is dangerous to humans, cats and other pets.
Lichen symptoms
The incubation period for infection can last from several days to several months. The dog first has a rash, then the hair falls out, a dry red crust appears on the skin, and pus can ooze from it. A receding hairline most often has clear boundaries. It's hard not to notice her. The behavior of the dog also changes. She begins to scratch the affected areas, behave restlessly. Lichen most often appears behind the ears, on the head, at the base of the tail, on the lower part of the legs.
When the fungus enters the skin, it penetrates deep into the epidermis. If the environment is favorable for development, then the lichen grows and the first symptoms appear. Hair begins to fall out, because hair follicles are damaged due to lack of nutrition. An inflammatory process begins throughout the body, immunity weakens, the dog becomes lethargic.
Treating the dog
The annual vaccination with the following drugs will help to protect the dog from the terrible misfortune: "Polivak-TM", "Mentavak" and "Vakderm". During a walk, you need to monitor your pet so that he does not play or fight with stray dogs, which can be carriers of the disease. Spores of the fungus can even be found in street and house dust, so the dog is always at risk of infection. The infection lurks for a long time in the upholstery of furniture, carpets, where dust accumulates. The person himself can suffer, having become infected from his pet. At the first sign of depriving the dog, you need to protect it from communicating with other family members, give it a corner and not allow it to walk around the apartment to spread the infection. You should show your pet to a veterinarian as early as possible.
It is not necessary to euthanize a sick dog. There are ointments, vaccines to return the pet to its former life. During the period of treatment, it is necessary to properly formulate a diet so that the dog receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals that will help restore a weakened body and overcome an infection. The house should always be wet cleaned and disinfected. Thoroughly wash bowls, toys and dog resting areas. Cleanliness should be taken care of with special care during the treatment of the dog so that the spores of the fungus do not penetrate again. Remember to wash your hands after contact with a sick animal.