How To Give Your Dog An Intramuscular Injection

How To Give Your Dog An Intramuscular Injection
How To Give Your Dog An Intramuscular Injection

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Our four-legged friends, dogs, have already become family members, just like people get sick. And their diseases are no less severe than those of people. Those that do not go away on their own, but require visits to the veterinarian and take various medications. Including their introduction by injection. Very often, the need to give an intramuscular injection to a dog causes panic in its owners. But it's not that bad.

The owner is responsible for his pet
The owner is responsible for his pet

It is necessary

  • - disposable syringe with medicine;
  • - cotton wool, alcohol;
  • - delicacy


Step 1

Prepare a syringe, take the medicine into it, slightly move the plunger to remove air from the syringe.

Step 2

Lay the dog on its side (it is best if you have a helper). To determine the place for the injection - mentally divide the thigh of the pet's hind leg into four parts. The injection should be done in the upper quarter on the side of the tail.

Step 3

Pat, pat the thigh of the pet in which you will inject. Disinfect the site of the intended injection by wiping the skin with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. During the injection, be sure to hold the dog by the leg - in the lower leg area.

Step 4

Inject the syringe either strictly perpendicularly or at an angle - in the direction from the tail to the withers. The syringe should be injected quickly, and the medicine itself should be slow. The insertion depth is 2.5 cm for a large dog (Labrador type) and 1 cm for a medium-sized dog (such as a dachshund).

Step 5

Pull back the plunger slightly before injecting the medication to make sure the syringe needle does not enter the blood vessel. If suddenly blood appears in the flask, you need to inject in another place.

Step 6

After the injection is done, reward your pet. If he stoically endured the injection, did not escape - stroke him, praise him, give him a piece of delicacy.
