How To Bring Down A Dog's Temperature

How To Bring Down A Dog's Temperature
How To Bring Down A Dog's Temperature

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Heat is a serious thing. Especially if it rises in a child or pet. If such a misfortune has happened to your dog and you see that it needs your help, do not panic and be afraid, the temperature can be brought down. It is only important to do it correctly so as not to harm the animal even more, because some drugs, if used ineptly, can be very dangerous. To bring down the temperature, follow these tips.

It is necessary

Antipyretics, towel, cold water or ice


Step 1

Animals can often cope with illness on their own, so sometimes they just need to be given the opportunity to lie down or lower the temperature on their own. If you see that the dog lies down on the cold tiles in the bathroom or lies in atypical places for it, in no case drive it out of there. Cold tiles or damp earth can lower your body temperature by one degree. This should not be neglected. If the animal is not looking for cold places in the apartment, slightly open the window (if it is cold outside) or curtain the windows so as to create the necessary shade and coolness.

Step 2

If the temperature is high, contact your veterinarian immediately. If the temperature rises in the evening or you are far from the city and cannot consult with a specialist quickly, you need to bring down the temperature before visiting the clinic. Contact cooling is best suited for this. Wet your dog's back and belly with cold water or place damp towels on it. Moisture evaporates best from the inner thighs, neck and forehead, so keep these areas cool and damp all the time.

Step 3

If the temperature is very high, give the animal an antipyretic. For large dogs, you can use the usual drugs used for a dwarf or if the puppy is sick, it is better to give drugs designed to relieve fever in children. But you shouldn't abuse medications. Remember that an animal's temperature can only rise for a very serious reason. Most likely, you are dealing with a severe internal infection or an acute inflammatory process, which need to be treated only under the supervision of a specialist.
