How To Wean A Cat From Aiming At A Door

How To Wean A Cat From Aiming At A Door
How To Wean A Cat From Aiming At A Door

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The cat marks the door not for the sake of hooliganism and not in order to piss you off. Instinct makes the animal fight for a place in the sun among their own kind. He has special glands that produce a specific secret. When this secretion is mixed with urine, a pungent-smelling substance is created with which the cat marks the boundaries of its territory. Each mark is a sign of the owner, the main cat in this place. Therefore, it is useless to fight the tags, scolding and punishing the cat. Nature will take its toll.

How to wean a cat from aiming at a door
How to wean a cat from aiming at a door


Step 1

If you need Barsik as a kind and affectionate pet, and not as a breeder of purebred kittens, then the first and most effective way to get rid of the marks is to castrate the animal. This simple operation is performed in any veterinary clinic in five minutes. The scrotum is incised in two places, the spermatic cords are tied and the testicles are removed. You need to castrate a cat at the age of 7-8 months and older, but always before the first mating. Then the question with tags simply will not arise.

How to wean a cat from marking territory
How to wean a cat from marking territory

Step 2

If the animal has already tried "cat love", then even after castration, some cats retain their desire. This is because in this case, not only the testes (testes) are responsible for the production of sex hormones, but also a part of the brain - the pituitary gland, which, of course, is not removed during the operation.

all cats mark territory
all cats mark territory

Step 3

If you are against interfering with the physiology of the animal, then use psychology. And influence Barsik with "cat methods", namely - become for him the "main cat" in your apartment. The male at the top of the hierarchy is the largest, physically and mentally strongest cat in the pack. He will not allow other cats to mark their territory.

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when the dog marks the diaper do it yourself

Step 4

To do this, having found the animal at the crime scene, lift it with your hand by the scruff (if the cat is large, then hold it from below with your other hand). This is how cat mothers carry their kittens. Only a very strong individual can raise an adult cat like this, even Barsik understands this.

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is it possible to breathe cat feces

Step 5

Naturally, the cat will break free. Hold it tight. It's not scary if someone can help hold it. After some time, the animal will calm down, soften somewhat, and hold its tail.

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Step 6

Now gazing intently into his eyes, start hissing and spitting. Yes Yes. This is how cats intimidate the enemy. Do not forget that in this case you are the "main cat", and Barsik is your opponent. And this is how self-respecting cats sort things out.

Step 7

Remember how cats kick each other with their paws. In the same way, use your index finger to hit the right and left in the face of your pet. Beat - this is said very conditionally. Although you are the "main cat" in the apartment, you are still not a beast. Therefore, measure your strength. The blows should be felt, but not painful to the animal.

Step 8

Continue to do all this until your pet gives a voice. As soon as he squeaked - that's it, you won the first round.

Step 9

Build on your success. To do this, the winner himself marks the controversial territory. Those. you, in the presence of a cat, wash off his mark and put your own. For example, you wipe the controversial place with your worn thing (T-shirt, socks) or spray it with your perfume.

Step 10

It should be noted that it will not work out at once. You will have to prove your title of "main cat" at home several more times. But in the end, you can probably do it.

Step 11

It happens that some strange cat marks your door. Then he can also be shown who is in charge here, as described above. If it is not possible to catch him, then use a chemical attack. Pet stores sell special products for eliminating urine odors and tags. From home remedies, it is recommended to wash off the mark with a solution of potassium permanganate, iodine, vinegar, lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide. Or grease the door with rosemary, lavender, mint oil.
