Pets are family members, beloved friends, and are tenderly cared for. From time to time, any person has a desire to make himself a fluffy or not very friend who will not lie, will not betray and will give many hours of genuine joy. But when the decision to have a pet is made, the question arises of how to do it correctly.

Step 1
Decide what kind of pet you would like to have. In doing so, it is important to answer a few questions.

Step 2
What are your preferences? What about the preferences of family members? Some people love dogs, some cats, and some hamsters, chinchillas, and decorative rats. In any case, you will have to negotiate and come to a consensus.

Step 3
Is there anyone in the family who is allergic to cat or dog hair? Obviously, in the family of an allergy sufferer, animals, allergies to which he suffers, are categorically contraindicated. Better get some fish.

Step 4
How much time are you ready to devote to your future pet? If we are talking about a cat, then it will take a minimum of time, and if about a dog, then you should be ready for daily walks early and in the evening. Moreover, in any weather.

Step 5
How much money could you spend monthly on keeping your pet? For hamsters it will be one, very little money, for the breed of dogs Cane Corso or exotic animals such as chinchilla or sugar ossum - completely different.

Step 6
Who will look after the animal during your absence - vacation or business trip? This is a very important point. Often the owners of a dog or cat only find out on the eve of departure that they have no one to leave their pet with. And if you can ask a neighbor to water the flowers, then the situation with the animal is often different.
Step 7
Examine all the literature you find regarding your future pet. Find out his habits, preferences, lifestyle, needs.
Step 8
Buy whatever the animal of your choice may need. For birds, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats and other rodents, these are equipped cages, the size of which depends on the species of the selected animal. For cats and dogs - sleeping places, toys, feeders, drinkers. Take care of food, mineral rocks for birds and rodents.
Step 9
Get a pet. There are several places where you can do this.
Step 10
First place: poultry market. A very bad option. By purchasing an animal from the poultry market, you risk the health of your family members. And this is not to mention the fact that the animal may not even reach its new place of residence alive. If you decide to buy a pet at the poultry market, then the first thing to do is take it not home, but to the veterinarian. Let him examine the animal and inform you about his condition.
Step 11
Second place: breeder. This option is good because you are almost guaranteed to get your hands on a healthy animal, documents for it, as well as competent recommendations for care and maintenance.
Step 12
Third place: acquaintances. Also a good option. Knowing in which family the baby appeared, being familiar with his parents, watching the baby from the first days of life, you will surely know what kind of animal you bring into the house.