Whiskas: Is It True That It Is Harmful To The Health Of The Cat?

Whiskas: Is It True That It Is Harmful To The Health Of The Cat?
Whiskas: Is It True That It Is Harmful To The Health Of The Cat?

"Whiskas" is one of the most widespread, advertised and cheap cat food. Despite its popularity, this is far from the best food for your pet - it does not contain all the elements the animal needs, it is made from production waste or stale meat, it can cause urolithiasis and other diseases.


The composition of "Whiskas"

Cats need a lot of protein, fats and carbohydrates should also be present in their diet, but much less. For them, no less than for humans, certain minerals and vitamins are important. To imitate the wild food of these animals, which gives them everything they need, you need to give them raw frozen beef meat, boiled lean chicken, green vegetables, and dairy products. But not all cat owners are ready to follow the strict rules of natural nutrition, so they prefer to buy food. The better the composition of the feed, the more high-quality and natural ingredients it contains, the more expensive but higher quality the product.

On the packaging of the "Whiskas" food, the composition is indicated, which terrifies good veterinarians. Firstly, “animal by-products” are not meat: they are fat, bones, joints, heads, beaks and much more, flavored with flavorings for which cats love this food so much. As a result, Whiskas is high in fat but low in protein. Moreover, animal proteins are often replaced by vegetable ones: in the composition you can find soybeans, corn cobs, peanut shells. Secondly, it contains corn gluten, which is harmful to animal digestion and causes gastrointestinal problems. Thirdly, the composition of "Whiskas" includes preservatives and flavorings, which are toxic with prolonged use.

But give the food manufacturers their due: they have included some vitamins and important for cats taurine, although these are cheap ingredients.

The harm of "Whiskas"

Perhaps, "Whiskas" has a right to exist if its production is carefully monitored. But it is important to understand that among many other feeds, this is one of the most unhealthy, unbalanced and cheap. In such cases, cheapness speaks volumes about quality, since good fresh meat is expensive.

Cats are different: in some, the digestive system does an excellent job with poor-quality feed and improper natural nutrition, others need to be fed strictly according to the rules and carefully monitor their diet. This explains many cases when pet owners feed them "Whiskas" throughout their lives, and cats live long, do not get sick and feel great. "Whiskas" is not a poison, some pets really tolerate it well, and, getting more top dressing from the table or getting their own food, they make up for the lack of certain substances. But this food for an animal with a delicate digestive system, it can become dangerous.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that cats quickly get used to the rich in flavorings "Whiskas" and only demand it. It is difficult to rid your pet of this habit.
