Wild Animals

How To Choose A Ferret

How To Choose A Ferret

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

There are a few basic points to consider when choosing a ferret. First of all, you should be interested in his behavior, appearance, nature of movements, as well as the behavior of his mother. Only by considering all these features, you can find a non-aggressive and able to get along with a human ferret

Ferret: What To Feed And How To Care For

Ferret: What To Feed And How To Care For

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Bored all day long? Have nothing to do? Is the house in perfect order? The ferret will help correct these "misunderstandings". Playing with ferrets is an unforgettable 4 hours a day, when you can have fun with all the heart, because ferrets love it

What Kind Of Breed Are Dwarf Hamsters

What Kind Of Breed Are Dwarf Hamsters

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dwarf hamsters are a popular variety of rodents for home keeping. They are distinguished by their small size, lack of a tail and great mobility. Dwarf hamsters are found in several colors. Caring for them is not difficult at all. In pet stores, you can often find small rodents, which are often mistaken for mice

How To Get A Chameleon

How To Get A Chameleon

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Chameleons are lizards that predominantly live in trees and are capable of changing body color depending on their condition and environmental conditions. Many exotic lovers are not averse to adopting such a pet. Most often, panther or Yemeni chameleons are kept at home

All About Turtles: How To Keep Them

All About Turtles: How To Keep Them

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In terms of content, the turtle is one of the most unpretentious pets. With the proper knowledge, even a child can quite cope with the content of this reptile. Despite their exotic appearance, turtles have long been among the most "

How Can You Induce The Development Of Pigmented Hair In An Ermine Rabbit?

How Can You Induce The Development Of Pigmented Hair In An Ermine Rabbit?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Ermine rabbits are dwarf rabbits. They have very soft shiny fur. The color of these animals is very characteristic. In contrast to the white body, the nose, ears, tip of the muzzle, paws and tail are brown in color. Color saturation ranges from yellow to dark brown, almost black

Domestic Raccoon: Exotic Pet

Domestic Raccoon: Exotic Pet

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Instead of the usual domestic cats and dogs, animal lovers begin to have enough exotic animals. Recently, the raccoon has been very popular. What is this beast The raccoon is a very adorable animal, something between a dog, a cat and a bear cub

How To Determine The Gender Of A Mouse

How To Determine The Gender Of A Mouse

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

For those who are going to keep little mice or rats at home, sooner or later the question arises of whether they live in boys or girls. If you have only one pet and you do not plan to engage in its subsequent reproduction - this is one thing

All About Ferret: How To Feed And Care

All About Ferret: How To Feed And Care

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The domestic ferret is more whimsical than a cat or dog. In addition, he requires a lot of attention and does not like being around other animals. In order to get this active and mobile animal, you should prepare especially carefully. Ferret dwelling As a home for a domestic ferret, a cage is suitable, the minimum length of which is 80 cm, width - 50 cm, height - 30 cm

How To Choose A Laying Hen

How To Choose A Laying Hen

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Laying hens are best purchased in the spring at the market or poultry farm. In order for the bird to start laying right away, it must be at least 4-5 months old. In the first year, the productivity of hens of egg-bearing breeds reaches a peak - about 250 eggs, then the egg production is determined by the breed

How To Get A Ferret At Home

How To Get A Ferret At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Ferrets are popular pets. They are smart, good-looking and not yet as common as cats, dogs or rodents. If you decide to have this interesting animal, prepare your house for the arrival of a new resident. Eliminate allergies Before deciding to have a new pet at home, make sure you can keep it

Capybara Capybara

Capybara Capybara

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The capybara or capybara is a herbivorous semi-aquatic mammal. Capybara is translated as "lord of the grass." The capybara belongs to the capybara family, and they are its only representative. It is the largest rodent in the world

How To Feed A Pet Rat

How To Feed A Pet Rat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Rats are popular pets. They are smart enough and do not give their owners as much trouble as dogs and cats. But in order for your pet to live a long, full life, it needs to be properly fed. Instructions Step 1 Rats are omnivores, and their diet should be varied enough to include all the nutrients and trace elements they need

Is It Possible To Raise A Lemur At Home?

Is It Possible To Raise A Lemur At Home?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The fashion for exotic pets is spreading more and more. Not everyone is already ready to be content with an ordinary cat or dog: raccoons, iguanas, snakes and even lemurs appear in apartments. I must say that this option is one of the most suitable, since it is quite possible to keep a lemur at home

How To Get A Pet Rat

How To Get A Pet Rat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Decorative rats are quite intelligent and active pets that are easy to train and can even respond to their name. They have their own habits, manners and character. Domestic rats can give you a lot of pleasant and fun pastime. It is necessary - cell

Family Member - Guinea Pig

Family Member - Guinea Pig

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Guinea pigs belong to the most numerous group of mammals - rodents. They are from the Cawiidae family. There are 23 known types of gilts. In their homeland, they are called gui, aorea or aperea. Pig breeding lasts a whole year, and pregnancy lasts 65 days

How Does A Horse Move

How Does A Horse Move

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The way a horse moves, or how it moves, is called a gait. The gait of a horse in nature is called natural, the gait of a circled one - artificial. In any case, the spectacle of a galloping horse is mesmerizing. Instructions Step 1 One of the main natural gaits is walking or walking

How To Care For A Chinchilla

How To Care For A Chinchilla

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Chinchilla is a small animal belonging to the genus of rodents of the chinchilla family. Lives in Chile, Peru, Bolivia and the Andes. Unpretentiousness, quick addiction to the owner and simple maintenance rules make this cute creature just an ideal pet

Chinchilla Care

Chinchilla Care

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many people dream of having a pet, but allergies do not allow it. There are tons of alternatives. For example, you can get a chinchilla - this is a very beautiful and kind animal from the squad of rodents. They have very beautiful and expensive fur

Why Doesn't The Turtle Eat

Why Doesn't The Turtle Eat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The turtle is a cold-blooded animal, capable of slowing down the metabolism by half, depending on environmental conditions and the general condition of the body. Adults can go without food for up to 90 days, while losing up to 40% of their weight and using body fat reserves

Chameleon As A Pet

Chameleon As A Pet

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Chameleon is a reptile from the family of the suborder lizards. Its length varies from 3 centimeters to 60. These reptiles are known for their unusual eyes - they rotate 360 degrees independently of each other. Chameleons catch prey with their tongue with a suction cup, it is thrown out instantly and instantly takes its original position in the mouth

What Kind Of Animal Can Be Kept In The House If There Is A Baby

What Kind Of Animal Can Be Kept In The House If There Is A Baby

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many parents are afraid to keep animals in the house when they are about to have a baby. Concerns are caused by the possible appearance of allergies in the baby, harmful diseases that the animal can transmit to the child, or even injuries that the pet can inflict on the baby

Features Of Raising Mini-pigs

Features Of Raising Mini-pigs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In the USA and Europe, about fifty years ago, ornamental mini-pigs were bred, their progenitors were wild miniature boars and Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs. Then in Italy they bred mini-Mayyalino - the smallest breed to date. In addition to this breed, Wiesenau, Bergstrasserknirt and Minisibs are no less popular with breeders

What Diseases Do Hamsters Have?

What Diseases Do Hamsters Have?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Hamsters have become full-fledged pets for a long time. Their popularity is growing every year. Often hamsters are acquired by parents for children. Caring for and after him is simple, but with improper feeding, the animal can get sick. Instructions Step 1 The first sign that your hamster is sick is refusing to eat

How To Care For A Mini Pig

How To Care For A Mini Pig

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Mini pig is a term that unites several dozen varieties of decorative pigs. Among the variety of these breeds, there are the so-called giants, which reach a weight of 15-20 kg. The most popular pets for lovers of exotic pets are representatives whose weight rarely exceeds 6-7 kg

What Birds Are Called Guinea Fowls

What Birds Are Called Guinea Fowls

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Guinea fowl is a royal chicken, pearl barley chicken or bird that exterminates the Colorado potato beetle. So poultry farmers call a wild chicken, which looks like a home turkey. Only a single species of guinea fowl - an ordinary one - has been domesticated by humans

Flandre - Giant Pet Rabbit

Flandre - Giant Pet Rabbit

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Flanders is a giant Flemish rabbit and is one of the oldest and most widespread breeds in the world. It differs from its counterparts in size - the body length of this type of rabbits exceeds 65 centimeters, the weight varies within 6-8 kilograms, and the length of the ears can reach 25 centimeters

How To Choose Food For Your Hamster

How To Choose Food For Your Hamster

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Domestic hamsters are adorable and very affectionate. In order for them to always feel good, the animals need to be properly fed. These small animals have a high metabolism and need a balanced diet of cereals, vegetables and fruits. Ready feed The easiest way to feed your hamsters is a ready-made, balanced feed mixture

How A Chameleon Changes Color

How A Chameleon Changes Color

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Chameleons are amazing animals. Their roots go back to antiquity, they lived in the days of the dinosaurs. These animals have gained popularity due to their amazing ability to change skin color. Instructions Step 1 Chameleons are inhabitants of savannas, deserts, tropical forests and steppes

How To Care For Rodents?

How To Care For Rodents?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A favorite animal in the house is not always a cat or a dog, some people prefer rodents. Why are these animals so attractive? First of all, because they are cute and funny, their little fluffy body is pleasant to feel in the palms of your hands, it is also interesting to observe the behavior of animals in a cage

How To Choose A Chinchilla

How To Choose A Chinchilla

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Chinchilla is a rather energetic, agile and emotional animal. By nature, she is a telepathic, as she reacts to emotions and even thoughts of a person, as if anticipating further actions. Sometimes you get the impression that this is a little alien who is talking to you, but not out loud, but mentally, and you perfectly understand what he is saying

Madagascar Cockroach: Monster Or Pet

Madagascar Cockroach: Monster Or Pet

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Gromphadorhina portentosa, or Madagascar hissing cockroach, is a genus of tropical cockroaches that is very popular among exotic pet lovers. They are ideal for those who cannot afford to keep, say, an iguana or a crocodile at home, but are eager to have some unusual creature

How To Tame Your Hamster

How To Tame Your Hamster

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A hamster by nature is a cute and good-natured animal. However, at first he is fearful and can show a certain amount of aggression. In order for him to change from anger to mercy, it is necessary to gradually enter into his trust. Instructions Step 1 Place the hamster's cage nearby, cover it with a thick cloth and constantly talk to the animal in a quiet, calm voice

How To Get A Rabbit

How To Get A Rabbit

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Adorable pets, rabbits are sociable, restive animals that require attentive attitude and constant care. Having decided to get a rabbit, it is worth considering a number of points related to their content. Instructions Step 1 Rabbits are social creatures

What Kind Of Pet To Get

What Kind Of Pet To Get

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Almost every second family has pets. These are mainly cats, dogs, parrots. But there are also exotic ones. When there is an animal in the house that waits for its owner every day, this gives additional comfort to the house. What kind of pet can I have?

How To Get A Guinea Pig

How To Get A Guinea Pig

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Guinea pigs are rodents. They are not aggressive, take up little space, tame well and live long enough in captivity. With proper care, they do not emit an unpleasant odor. Guinea pigs are very beautiful and cute and can be aesthetically satisfying

Down With Stereotypes, Or How To Get An Unusual Pet

Down With Stereotypes, Or How To Get An Unusual Pet

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When choosing pets, people usually stop at cats, dogs, and occasionally get fish, parrots, etc. In fact, our planet is inhabited by a huge number of animal species, and it is not necessary to choose from the standard options, and not all of them are suitable (allergies, expensive furniture)

How To Choose A Rabbit Breed

How To Choose A Rabbit Breed

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The variety of breeds of decorative rabbits is very large, among them there are both breeds that were bred in the last century, and those that appeared relatively recently. When choosing a pet, you can focus on your own capabilities (for example, long-haired animals need careful and regular care), or be guided by aesthetic preferences and choose according to their appearance

How To Care For A Chinchilla: Features Of Maintenance, Nutrition And Upbringing

How To Care For A Chinchilla: Features Of Maintenance, Nutrition And Upbringing

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Beady eyes, paws with marigolds, a funny movable nose and beautiful fur … This chinchilla is one of the funniest and cutest animals. What you should know about the chinchilla if you decide to keep this animal at home? How chinchillas live in nature and at home Chinchilla is a rodent native to South America, in nature it lives in the South American Andes, where the climate is cool, humid, harsh

How To Buy A Horse

How To Buy A Horse

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Each animal is beautiful in its own way, but a horse is a completely unique creation of nature, looking at which one cannot but admire its graceful strength, steep muscle mounds and proud posture. How much does it cost to buy a horse? How much is a childhood dream to ride across an endless field on your horse?