The capybara or capybara is a herbivorous semi-aquatic mammal. Capybara is translated as "lord of the grass." The capybara belongs to the capybara family, and they are its only representative. It is the largest rodent in the world.

Capybara capybara appearance
An adult reaches a length of more than one meter, a height of about sixty centimeters. Females weigh 35-65 kilos, males - 30-60. The rodent's appearance resembles an ordinary guinea pig with a large head. The body is covered with tough grayish or reddish-brown hair. In nature, you can also find a white capybara. Their main tool for foraging is 20 teeth, which they grow during their life. Capybara is a friendly animal with a phlegmatic disposition, although it looks a little menacing. The capybara lives on the shores of reservoirs in South and Central America.
Home content
Some even raise this animal at home. The capybara quickly gets used to a person, allowing himself to be stroked, falls asleep on his knees, and lends itself to simple training. They are clean. Capybaras are vegetarian. They feed on tubers and fruits, eat grass, hay, and aquatic plants.
Whether to have such an animal is a controversial issue. A capybara pig is not a small animal; it is almost impossible to keep it in an ordinary apartment. In a private house, it will also be problematic to keep him. The pig will need a pool of water to spend part of its life there. They cannot be kept in a cage; they must be walked on a leash. Sometimes they can be aggressive.
Capybaras are rodents in nature, so you will have to sacrifice some furniture to make your pet comfortable. It is better to castrate males, otherwise they can begin courting the owner. And it will be difficult to find a pair for breeding.
Doesn't all this bother you? Then get such an unusual pet! It can be tamed and educated. If you do not want to have the largest rodent in the world at home, then get a miniature version of the capybara, sometimes it is considered a separate species of capybara.