In summer, to save themselves from the heat, people put on lighter clothes and spend a lot of time near water bodies. It is much more difficult for our pets, and the owners must take care of the cats so that they can handle the heat more easily.

If possible, take the animal out of town, where it will be able to breathe fresh air and will suffer less from the heat. In a city apartment, open windows more often for ventilation or put on an air conditioner.
To make the cat feel better during the heat, slightly moisten the pads of the paws and the outside of the ears with water, stroke it with wet hands to moisten the coat, this will increase the heat transfer. Long-haired cats can be trimmed a little.
If you are feeding your cat meat or dairy products, be careful not to spoil the food.
Be sure to check for clean, cool water.
Do not leave your pet in a closed car under the hot sun, cats, like humans, can experience heatstroke, which can be identified by the following signs:
- the cat has become lethargic;
- moves slowly, drinks little;
- the animal has shortness of breath;
- coordination of movements is impaired.
If the cat is left untouched, it may faint. If you notice signs of heatstroke in your pet, take it to a cool place, put a rag soaked in cold water on the back of its head. You can wrap your entire body in a damp, cool cloth. Do not give the animal anything to drink, as this may cause volvulus.
In the event of heatstroke in a cat, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.