How To Determine The Gender Of A Mouse

How To Determine The Gender Of A Mouse
How To Determine The Gender Of A Mouse

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For those who are going to keep little mice or rats at home, sooner or later the question arises of whether they live in boys or girls. If you have only one pet and you do not plan to engage in its subsequent reproduction - this is one thing. But in the event that you keep several rodents at once, you need to determine their gender.

How to determine the gender of a mouse
How to determine the gender of a mouse

It is necessary

eye, mice, attentiveness


Step 1

The easiest and most accurate way to determine sex in rodents is to check the abdomen for the presence of nipples. If your mice are less than two weeks old and not yet covered in fur, gently turn them over onto their backs and pay attention to the abdomen. Females at this age have noticeable nipples, males do not. This method should be used precisely for a period of up to two weeks, since later the nipples become overgrown with wool and it is almost impossible to see them.

gerbils how to tell gender
gerbils how to tell gender

Step 2

Mouse babies with different coat colors are well diagnosed by a speck in the genital area. Gently take the mouse in your hands and lift its tail. If there is a boy in front of you - in the place where his testicles will be formed, a spot of a darker color is visible. The method has a small error, the fact is that from nervous tension, mice can pull the testicles into the body, becoming indistinguishable from girls. If you really want to establish the truth, wait until the mouse calms down.

how to distinguish gerbils by sex
how to distinguish gerbils by sex

Step 3

The easiest and most reliable way to determine gender is to measure the distance between the anus and genitals. Take the mouse in your hands, just as you did to see the dark spot. Then take the second mouse and compare the distance between the anus and genitals. In males, it is noticeably more than in females. If the difference is not noticeable, try repeating the experiment with a different pair.
