In the USA and Europe, about fifty years ago, ornamental mini-pigs were bred, their progenitors were wild miniature boars and Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs. Then in Italy they bred mini-Mayyalino - the smallest breed to date. In addition to this breed, Wiesenau, Bergstrasserknirt and Minisibs are no less popular with breeders. Cute mini-pigs in the CIS countries are exotic, because it is quite difficult to raise such pigs. Still, these funny pets managed to win the hearts of our compatriots.

If you decide to have a mini-pig at home, then keep in mind that these animals are very shy. A piglet can get used to its owner for a month. This pet needs love and affection. Do without sudden movements, shouts, unexpected touches. Better scratch your baby's neck, ears or barrel. Give your pet time to get used to all family members.
The mechanical techniques that are usually used in raising cats and dogs will be ineffective, because the basis of training a piglet is food. Only overfeeding your pet is harmful. Ornamental pigs eat almost everything. The diet of a mini-pig should contain fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, cereals. The pig should be given water at room temperature.
You need to show rigidity if the piglet tries to bite you. Stop him with the command "No!", Weigh out a light slap. After the punishment, do not pet the pig, do not indulge in delicacies. Otherwise, the animal may develop a habit of biting.
You also need to know that mini-pigs are quite noisy animals. They love to swim, walk. Once a year, they need to trim their hooves, otherwise the floors will be covered with scratches. If all this does not scare you at all, then this friendly and sociable pet is for you. In addition, mini-pigs are hypoallergenic animals, so they can be raised by families with children or asthmatics.