Domestic Raccoon: Exotic Pet

Domestic Raccoon: Exotic Pet
Domestic Raccoon: Exotic Pet

Instead of the usual domestic cats and dogs, animal lovers begin to have enough exotic animals. Recently, the raccoon has been very popular.

Domestic raccoon: exotic pet
Domestic raccoon: exotic pet

What is this beast

The raccoon is a very adorable animal, something between a dog, a cat and a bear cub. He loves to play very much, easily gets used to new conditions. It is very interesting to watch him - he has movable fingers on his hands, with them he likes to touch various objects, and he will rinse food in water and rub, as if washing.

The raccoon fur is beautiful and soft, it is pleasant to iron it. A great advantage is the absence of a molting period. This animal eats almost everything - meat, fruits, eggs, vegetables, grain.

Conditions of detention

The raccoon is a wild animal, but it is tamed for domestic maintenance. Such a pet is not kept in a cage, but a certain room is taken away. There should be a spacious house, a sleeping area, a toilet and a place for the raccoon to climb. An outdoor aviary is best suited for these purposes. It is very good to equip a special reservoir for a raccoon. He loves to have fun with water, at this time it is interesting to watch him.

At first, it is better to keep the pet in its separate territory, then, when you study its habits, and it gets used to it, it will be possible to let it go for a walk around the house. The fact is that raccoons love to explore new territories, and also hide food in secluded places. If these reserves are not found in time, they will start to deteriorate.

The raccoon eats meat and fish, eats dog food with pleasure. It should be washed with shampoo about twice a year.

How to get along with a raccoon

If you decide to get this funny animal, then you need to remember about its character and take into account the features. For example, raccoons love to tear, scatter, spill everything, which means that you need to put different scraps of fabric, paper, foil, pebbles on it. He will sort it out with great pleasure, just do not forget to add new pieces to him.

Raccoons, like little children, love attention. But physically they cannot be punished, they will perceive it as aggression and can bite. These animals are born actors, they can portray surprise, sadness, and other emotions on their face. By the way, raccoons are great in photographs and love to pose.

During puberty, you need to be careful. In order for the animal not to behave aggressively, it is not necessary to enter its territory.

Raccoons love to walk on the street; for such walks, special leashes for these animals are already sold in stores.