Laying hens are best purchased in the spring at the market or poultry farm. In order for the bird to start laying right away, it must be at least 4-5 months old. In the first year, the productivity of hens of egg-bearing breeds reaches a peak - about 250 eggs, then the egg production is determined by the breed. But to achieve these results, you need to choose the right chicken.

When buying a bird, you first need to pay attention to its appearance. Do not buy chickens with bald patches and bald patches. The plumage of a healthy bird is smooth, uniform and shiny. Lift the feathers and examine the skin, a sign of health is firmness and a pale pink coat. You can also determine the presence of intestinal infections if there are dirty and adhering feathers around the cloaca.
The comb of a healthy laying hen is warm, rich red, and the eyes are bulging and not watery. Look at the beak and feet of the poultry: nostrils should be clear, breathing even, without coughing or sneezing, nails smooth, wide apart and straight.
If in appearance the chicken has passed the test, do not rush to buy it - follow its activity. Get moving and vigorous birds, and drowsiness and pallor of the scallop is a sign of the presence of chicken ticks.
The most popular breeds include Leghorn, Kuchinskaya Jubilee, Loman Brown, Hisex Brown. Lohman Brown birds lay about 300 eggs per year, but after the first year, productivity drops sharply.

Representatives of Leghorn bring more than 200 eggs annually, and sometimes about 300-350 pieces, one egg weighs 55-60 g. Birds of the Kuchinskaya Jubilee breed adapt to any conditions of keeping, they bring about 200 eggs annually, the weight of one is 60-61 g. The Hisex Brown breed is distinguished by its high productivity (300-360 eggs per year) and an impressive egg weight - 70 g.
After purchasing chickens, do not forget to contact your veterinarian and get all the necessary vaccinations, first of all, against salmonellosis. When choosing chickens, it is worth considering the requirements for the conditions of detention.