Chinchilla Care

Chinchilla Care
Chinchilla Care

Many people dream of having a pet, but allergies do not allow it. There are tons of alternatives. For example, you can get a chinchilla - this is a very beautiful and kind animal from the squad of rodents. They have very beautiful and expensive fur.

Chinchilla care
Chinchilla care

So, you decided to get a chinchilla, and first of all you need to decide where it will live, it is better to choose a warm room, away from the bedroom, since they are nocturnal animals. The cage should be spacious, with a removable saucer (as it often needs to be washed).

At the bottom, you can pour hardwood sawdust. You also need to purchase special sand made of talcum powder for swimming, chinchillas do not wash in water, a special drinking cup, a feeder and a stick (on which chinchillas sleep).

Chinchillas can live without a cage, but they will chew on a lot of things. The cage should be washed at least 2 times a week. Chinchillas need to be combed with special comb with sharp teeth.

The disadvantage of chinchillas is that they have weak immunity, they easily get sick, so it is advisable not to cough or sneeze with them.

They need to be fed with plant foods: corn, oats, etc., etc. it is best to feed once a day in the evening. It is often not to take in your hands. Can be toilet trained in one place. Chinchillas love people and some even love TV. You can buy a running wheel and a house in the cage so that people do not interfere with her sleep.

Thus, the chinchilla does not require much maintenance, its coat does not cause allergies, and they are friendly. Why not get yourself or your child such a pet?
