Pigeon breeding is a highly developed branch of poultry farming, which people in many countries of the world are engaged in. The first pigeons were tamed by man 5000 years ago, and today more than 800 pigeon breeds can be distinguished. All breeds are divided into three categories: sporting, racing and decorative. Pigeons are affectionate birds that require constant care. When purchasing a pigeon from a pigeon farm or poultry market, you need to determine the gender of the bird. There are various signs by which experienced breeders distinguish pigeons from doves.

Step 1
So, professionals can determine the gender of a pigeon by its appearance. As a rule, males are larger and thicker than females, they are more lobasty and have a massive beak. The head of females is usually smaller, as is their wax. However, determining the sex of a pigeon solely by appearance, it is easy to make a mistake, because the breed of pigeons plays a key role here. Males of some breeds can appear much more graceful and feminine than females of others.

Step 2
You can distinguish a dove from a dove by feeling the pelvic bones of the bird. Under the breast, almost at the tail of the bird, you can find two thin pelvic bones. In females, there is always a fairly wide distance between these bones - up to one centimeter. In males, the pelvic bones are practically closed. However, there is some inaccuracy in this method of determining the sex of a pigeon. For example, in very young, nulliparous doves, the bones can be brought together.

Step 3
You can also determine the sex of a pigeon by the behavior of the bird. For example, during mating (that is, the courtship of the male for the female), the pigeon begins to actively step on the dove. It makes loud noises, spreads its tail and inflates a goiter. Feeling the female, the pigeon begins to circle around the cage, and then abruptly jump up to the dove. A pigeon, planted in a cage with a pigeon, behaves more "like a woman". She "smoothly" moves to the male on the tail, cooing gently. Taking courtship, the dove ruffles the feathers on the lower back and bows to the dove.

Step 4
If you add another male to the male, they will most likely start a fight with each other. Sometimes pigeons of the opposite sex can start a fight, but in most cases this does not happen. Two doves, planted in one cage, treat each other calmly, without aggression. It is worth noting that for the most accurate determination of the sex of a pigeon, it is best to use all of the above means.