Why Doesn't The Turtle Eat

Why Doesn't The Turtle Eat
Why Doesn't The Turtle Eat

The turtle is a cold-blooded animal, capable of slowing down the metabolism by half, depending on environmental conditions and the general condition of the body. Adults can go without food for up to 90 days, while losing up to 40% of their weight and using body fat reserves. However, prolonged starvation of the animal leads to severe exhaustion and irreversible consequences in the body.

Why doesn't the turtle eat
Why doesn't the turtle eat

Most often, the refusal of the turtle from food is associated with changes in the conditions of its keeping, the season or the presence of any disease. In the absence of specific clinical signs, malnutrition can be caused by sepsis, renal failure, or other serious medical conditions. The veterinarian takes the season into account when making a diagnosis. After all, turtles in the period from October to January, reacting to short daylight hours, begin to eat less. When the temperature in the terrarium rises and the duration of daylight increases, starting from January-February, the turtles re-eat. Refusal of food in spring is characteristic of overwintered turtles, especially those that have been without moisture for a long time and at cool temperatures, for example, on floor in the apartment. Healthy turtles, subject to wintering conditions, begin to eat within 1-2 days after turning on the heating of the terrarium. If the turtle does not eat when the temperature rises and the daylight hours increase, it is necessary to conduct an examination by a veterinarian and, if necessary, begin treatment. After all, the wintering of turtles is associated not only with refusal of food, but also of water. This entails such unpleasant consequences as a drop in the level of glucose and vitamins, blood concentration, an increase in the level of toxic products formed as a result of metabolism. The most serious consequences of dehydration and exhaustion of the turtle are liver and kidney failure. If the pet looks good, but refuses from feed, it is necessary to examine the eyes. Sometimes conjunctivitis can be the cause of starvation; if the turtle is not eating but is active and does not look emaciated, it may be a sexually active male. As a rule, during this period, the appetite of animals decreases.
