A favorite animal in the house is not always a cat or a dog, some people prefer rodents. Why are these animals so attractive? First of all, because they are cute and funny, their little fluffy body is pleasant to feel in the palms of your hands, it is also interesting to observe the behavior of animals in a cage. Rodent care is not so difficult, but important, because in order for a pet to grow up healthy and cheerful, appropriate conditions are necessary.

- When choosing a cage for an animal, one must remember that the concept of "rodent" speaks for itself. Animals have sharp teeth, which they constantly grind, so a cage with a wooden frame is not suitable for them - rodents will quickly render it unusable.
- The house for the animal should be spacious and clean, it is best to place it in a well-lit part of the room. To make the cage easy to clean, you need to install a metal or plastic tray in it, which can be easily reached and washed.
- The feeder and drinker are selected taking into account the size of the animal. An animal sometimes needs solitude, so it is good to build a small house in a cage - a hole where the animal can climb, if desired.
- There are many special food for rodents in pet stores, a consultant will help you choose the most suitable one. Additionally, you can feed the rodents with apples, carrots, pears, beets.
- A small bowl of dry sand is needed in the cage so that the rodent can clean the fur on its own. Sawdust should be changed at least once every two days, the water in the drinker should always be fresh.
- In order for the muscles not to atrophy, it is imperative to let the animals walk around the room. It is imperative to control the animals so that they do not spoil the furniture and wiring.
- The nervous system in rodents is weak, they cannot stand loud sounds - noise, screams, knocking, so such an environment should be avoided in the house.
Rodents are very attached to people. Left alone for a long time, they are very bored and look forward to meeting the owners. In turn, communication with these pets gives positive emotions to both children and adults.