Bored all day long? Have nothing to do? Is the house in perfect order? The ferret will help correct these "misunderstandings". Playing with ferrets is an unforgettable 4 hours a day, when you can have fun with all the heart, because ferrets love it. And the rest of the time they sleep soundly.

The ferret is a carnivorous animal from the weasel family. By definition, you shouldn't feed your ferret anything. Nutrition should be correct and balanced. Premium dry food is the most suitable for these animals. This is the best option, because it includes all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.
You can also feed minced meat and raw meat. Minced meat is called meat porridge, consisting of different types of meat. In the matter of this type of nutrition, it is better to contact the club breeders who will advise on how to feed correctly. Indeed, with improper feeding, small pets can develop serious fatal diseases.
Also, when buying a ferret, you must contact the club. Indeed, only in this case can you be sure that the animal is completely healthy. Very often, breeders sell for cheaply sick animals, which then do not live long. The club gives guarantees and support in the content.
Many people say ferrets smell strong. But in fact, they smell no more than another pet, of course, with the right lifestyle. Ferrets can also be bathed, so smell is not a problem.
Ferrets are very friendly pets. They quickly get used to their owners and love them sincerely.