Flandre - Giant Pet Rabbit

Flandre - Giant Pet Rabbit
Flandre - Giant Pet Rabbit

Flanders is a giant Flemish rabbit and is one of the oldest and most widespread breeds in the world. It differs from its counterparts in size - the body length of this type of rabbits exceeds 65 centimeters, the weight varies within 6-8 kilograms, and the length of the ears can reach 25 centimeters.


Flanders are cute creatures, resembling more puppies of an unusual breed than rabbits. Their appearance delights many people - dense fluffy fur, huge wide ears and rather large paws. Perhaps that is why these rabbits are often seen as pets.

Most flanders are bred for home keeping in the United States. Caring for them is not very different from caring for other types of rabbits, but you need to understand that these animals need a large area. A simple box can be used as a feeder, and the drinker must be positioned so that the giant rabbit does not turn it over and does not run out of water.

Rabbits of the Flanders breed are distinguished by their calm character and kind disposition. They are able to get along with other pets. Flemish rabbits treat children calmly, but they should not be left alone, as the rabbit can playfully harm the baby.

The high level of intelligence of flanders allows you to train them or teach them simple tricks. This type of rabbit is able to memorize many commands.

Like all rabbits, flanders are very loving and can produce 8 to 15 rabbits per lamb, so you need to think about whether you need so many fluffy lumps that quickly turn into giants, or is it better to limit yourself to one rabbit without a pair.

Flemish rabbits can catch respiratory diseases in a draft, so their cage should be placed in a room protected from moisture and wind. Although many breeders keep these rabbits outdoors, without facing any diseases, everything is individual for each case.
