How To Get A Guinea Pig

How To Get A Guinea Pig
How To Get A Guinea Pig

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Guinea pigs are rodents. They are not aggressive, take up little space, tame well and live long enough in captivity. With proper care, they do not emit an unpleasant odor. Guinea pigs are very beautiful and cute and can be aesthetically satisfying.

How to get a guinea pig
How to get a guinea pig


Step 1

A guinea pig is best purchased at 6-8 weeks of age. They live in large families and are bored singly, so it is better to buy two pigs: two females or a male and a female. Two males do not get along in the same cage. The eyes of a healthy pig should be clear, the nose dry and clean, the coat is smooth, without bald spots.

Step 2

Despite the fact that the pig is called a guinea pig, it is washed only when it is heavily soiled. Occasionally it is necessary to comb the fur with a soft brush. It is necessary to monitor the claws of the guinea pig and trim them in time. This can be done with a nail clipper, you can take the mumps to the veterinarian.

Step 3

The guinea pig cage should be large enough to run freely. They love movement very much. You can put a pipe in a cage, hang a hammock, make a shelf. Be sure to hang a drinking bowl with clean water. Guinea pigs quickly learn to drink from a variety of drinking bowls. It is good to put hay in the middle of the cage, into which the pigs love to bury themselves. You can also use a terrarium instead of a cage.

Step 4

Litter should be placed on the bottom of the cage. If sawdust is used in this capacity, they should not be too fine. Small sawdust gets into the eyes and causes inflammation. The litter is changed about once every five to seven days, more often if necessary. The cage tray should be washed with a disinfectant at least once a month.

Step 5

The cage should not be placed in a draft or close to a heat source. The mumps may overheat or catch a cold. It is also necessary to exclude communication with sick people.

Step 6

The main diet of a guinea pig is hay. It should be up to half of the total feed. Vegetables, fruits, and greens should take up about a fifth of the diet. You also need a special dry food for guinea pigs.

Step 7

Clean water, hay and dry food should always be freely available to the animal. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be given two to three times a day. Fasting for gilts is strictly prohibited. Even a sick pig should be fed in small portions. A guinea pig can die of starvation in just two days.

Step 8

Guinea pigs are very friendly and sociable by nature. They are shy only in unfamiliar surroundings. Having got used to the owners, they easily go into their arms and are supportive of caresses. You just need to remember that guinea pigs are rodents. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of biting electrical wires and damage to furniture. The guinea pig gets along well with children. With proper care and attention, she will be a good and affectionate friend for her owners.
