What To Do If A Cat Has Watery Eyes

What To Do If A Cat Has Watery Eyes
What To Do If A Cat Has Watery Eyes

If a cat has watery eyes and squints, the owners of the pet often panic, suspecting that he has any disease. Fortunately, this phenomenon is often harmless. Diagnosis of the condition of the animal is required in order to select the appropriate treatment.

The cat has watery eyes
The cat has watery eyes

Situations not related to disease

Noticing that the cat is watering one eye, the owners should follow the pet's behavior. Often this is a simple and harmless phenomenon that accompanies the process of intensive washing in animals. With the help of paws, which are moistened with the tongue, circular movements are made in the muzzle area. At such moments, cats and cats can tightly close their eyes, but they do not always have time to do it in time. Because of this, the cornea is slightly touched, which causes temporary burning and tearing of the eye as a protective reaction. This phenomenon can accompany the entire process of washing and for some time after it, until the natural moisture of the eye is restored.

Almost the same situation occurs when a speck of dust, a speck or a hair from its fur gets into the cat's eye. Pets often ride on a dusty carpet and floor, so in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to thoroughly vacuum the floor and carpets in the apartment. It also happens that a cat has watery one eye and he squints it because of a sharp look at the sun's rays or the light from a bright llama. In both situations, this condition gradually disappears, and the eyes of the animal return to normal.

So, do not panic ahead of time, noticing the squinting of the cat's eyes, accompanied by lacrimation. To begin with, you should observe the pet for several hours. If during this time the symptoms do not disappear, the condition of the animal remains the same or worsens, it is necessary to contact the veterinarian for a detailed medical diagnosis of the problem.

Squinting and watery eyes as signs of illness

In animals, especially cats and dogs, the eyes are a sensitive and poorly protected organ that is susceptible to various diseases and can be damaged under the influence of various factors. One of the most common cases is an increase in intraocular pressure, which often manifests itself in old age (in cats and cats over 10 years old).

The animal begins to squint one or both eyes more and more often and more intensely, there is an increased lacrimation. In addition, cats and cats become restless, may not find a place for a long time and meow protractedly. If the problem is left unattended, the lens of the eye gradually becomes cloudy, stops responding to light: blindness develops. The problem can only be solved by medical means, and help should be provided as soon as possible.

In other cases, squinting and constant eye moisture can be signs of the development of conjunctivitis and other bacteriological inflammations. It is not uncommon for animals to accidentally infect their eyes even while washing their face. In such a situation, a consultation with a doctor is necessary, who will prescribe special anti-inflammatory drops.

It is not uncommon for cats and cats to develop allergies to dust, paints and varnishes and other materials (for example, if the apartment is being renovated), as well as to exotic flowers, plants, etc. The development of an ailment due to a corresponding change in the home environment is actually an unequivocal confirmation of the effect of an allergen. Accidental damage to the cornea with claws (when washing, playing and fighting with other animals) should not be ruled out. If you suspect any of the above factors, contact your veterinarian immediately.
