Adorable pets, rabbits are sociable, restive animals that require attentive attitude and constant care. Having decided to get a rabbit, it is worth considering a number of points related to their content.

Step 1
Rabbits are social creatures. Communication is vital for them, so if there is such an opportunity, it is better to get a pair of eared ones so that they are not bored with each other. If there is not enough room to keep two, get ready to devote as much time as possible to your rabbit. Rabbits willingly play with a person, communicate, doze next to you, jump into their arms. Having established a trusting relationship with your pet, you will be enriched with rare disinterested warmth and sympathy from him.
Step 2
Learn rabbit habits and gestures. So it will be easier to find a common language, tell the eared that you are unhappy with his behavior or, on the contrary, are happy to see him. Shouting at a rabbit, raising a hand on him is unacceptable.
Step 3
You should have enough room in the apartment where the rabbit - especially the young one - can jump and run. Hide wires, shoes, books and papers, fabrics from him, do not leave your pet unattended - he can tear the wallpaper off the walls. It is almost impossible to wean a rabbit from this, gnawing is in its nature. Provide it with apple, willow twigs or special treats.
Step 4
Rabbits learn to relieve themselves in their cage - they choose the place for the toilet themselves, you can substitute a tray or jar, but they will inevitably scatter feces behind them. This is one way to mark a territory as yours. In addition, the rabbit must eat part of its feces - their digestive system is designed in such a way that not all nutrients from food are absorbed in one cycle. You may even notice that it happens around the same time if you are feeding your pet on schedule.
Step 5
Watch your rabbit's diet too. Digestive problems can end in tragedy. The same goes for colds. Rabbits have fragile health that should be protected.
Step 6
Clean eyes, smooth clean fur, no discharge from the nose and eyes, clean ears inside are signs of a healthy animal. The gender can be determined by sitting down and putting the rabbit with its back on your lap and pulling the tail up - a gap will be visible in girls, and a penis in boys.
Step 7
Rabbits are curious and restless, each has an individual character and with age acquires its own habits, manners, ways of communicating with you. Therefore, choose a rabbit that looks into your eyes and at the sight of which will warm your heart. It is not for nothing that they say that a rabbit's foot brings good luck - a live rabbit brings ten times more luck and real happiness to its sensitive and caring owners.