Shorthaired Pointer: Description Of The Breed From Germany

Shorthaired Pointer: Description Of The Breed From Germany
Shorthaired Pointer: Description Of The Breed From Germany

The German Shorthaired Pointer, German Pointer or German Shorthaired Pointing Dog are all names of the same breed of dog. The Kurzhaar, according to the FCI classification, belongs to the group of cops, to the section of continental working dogs with obligatory working tests. On the territory of Russia, this breed became widespread at the end of the 20th century as a universal hunting dog.

German shorthaired pointer
German shorthaired pointer

The history of the breed began in the 17th century on the territory of two states: France and Spain. The ancestors of today's shorthaired pointer were hunting dogs, which were used for hunting game with nets or for falconry. Through neighboring states, the animals came to the territory of present-day Germany, where they became interested in their breeding at a deeper level.

The main feature of the pointers was that they could work in a rack. And after the invention of the double-barreled gun in the 18th century, such dogs became indispensable for hunting and received the name of the universal gun dog. In 1897, the "Pedigree Book of the German Shorthaired Pointer" was published, it described the exterior of the dog, character traits, assessment rules and tests. From that moment on, the official history of the German cop began.

Exterior of the breed

The modern German Shorthaired Pointer is a medium-sized dog with a short, coarse coat. Height at withers - 58-66 cm. The color varies from bright black to delicate "coffee with milk". This is a harmonious, lean dog, the structure of which provides her with endurance and strength even in old age. Smooth back, smooth toplines, dry head, rigid tail make it look like a figurine. The German shorthaired pointer looks very elegant.

Character traits

Since the shorthaired pointer belongs to the category of gun dogs, we can immediately say that his character is quite soft and calm. He gets along well with other breeds, does not pretend to be a leader and does not start fights, he can live in a pack. The owner of such a wonderful breed should understand that despite the apparent softness, the dog is a hunting, and therefore serious, training and honing skills are required. It is easy to spoil the Kurzhaar and make him lazy and apathetic, indulging him, but it will be much more difficult to return everything "to normal".

Maintenance and care

Pointers are not whimsical in everyday life. It is possible to keep the pet both in the apartment and on the territory of the yard, but since the dog is short-haired, it needs warmth, therefore, in winter and on the hunt, German short-haired shorthaired dogs are kept in insulated booths.

They are not picky in nutrition, they are suitable for feeding both natural food and dry food. The dog is not recommended for people who do not lead an active lifestyle, as it requires constant physical activity: hunting, going out into the field or into the forest for a walk.

German shorthaired pointers have excellent health, they are not frequent guests in veterinary clinics, but one thing must be remembered: working in the field in the warm season is risky from the point of view of the presence of ticks, so the dog must be treated with insecticides on time. The average life span is 13 years.

The German Shorthaired Pointer, or the German Pointer, is an excellent dog for a hunter or a person who leads an active lifestyle and loves nature. She will always accompany her master on walks, enjoying the time spent together.
