Hamsters have become full-fledged pets for a long time. Their popularity is growing every year. Often hamsters are acquired by parents for children. Caring for and after him is simple, but with improper feeding, the animal can get sick.

Step 1
The first sign that your hamster is sick is refusing to eat. This happens because the diseased body retains its strength to fight the disease, and does not spend it on digesting food. If the animal lies, breathes frequently, does not eat, drink, play, this clearly indicates that it is sick. Rodents have an accelerated metabolism, so one or two days of illness can lead to the death of the animal.
Step 2
If you do not know the cause of the disease, the hamster should be urgently shown to the veterinarian. Do not self-medicate, many drugs are absolutely contraindicated in rodents and their thoughtless use leads to instant death of the animal.
Step 3
Hamsters can get sick with infectious diseases: salmonellosis, Tizzer's disease (enteritis), colibacillosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Parasitic diseases: trichomoniasis, tapeworms and nematodes. Ectoparasites: lice, demodicosis, fleas and ticks. Fungal diseases: trichophytosis (versicolor). Most of these diseases can be transmitted from animal to human.
Step 4
Non-communicable diseases are not transmitted from animals to each other or to humans. They can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Cystitis, obstruction of the cheek pouches, rickets, diseases of the lungs and intestines, various cancers. They are caused by factors such as decreased immunity, lack of vitamins, poor care, or heredity. With timely detection of the disease and proper treatment, the animal recovers and pleases its owners.
Step 5
To prevent infection of humans and other pets with infectious diseases, there are a number of requirements and rules for their acquisition. Buy pets in specialty stores, while keeping hamsters in a cage should not contain a large number of pets. Crowded housing lowers the immune status of hamsters, which leads to diseases. Check with the retailer where they buy hamsters for sale. In a good case, this should be one supplier who breeds the animals.
Step 6
To avoid helminthic infestations, all hamsters must be deworming 2-3 times a year with special drugs that can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.
Step 7
There is no need to feed the animals with poor quality or old food, this can lead to poisoning or death of the animal. It is necessary to clean the cage and feeder from food debris daily, since the food debris serves as a good breeding ground for bacteria.