Madagascar Cockroach: Monster Or Pet

Madagascar Cockroach: Monster Or Pet
Madagascar Cockroach: Monster Or Pet

Gromphadorhina portentosa, or Madagascar hissing cockroach, is a genus of tropical cockroaches that is very popular among exotic pet lovers. They are ideal for those who cannot afford to keep, say, an iguana or a crocodile at home, but are eager to have some unusual creature. Madagascar cockroaches are unpretentious and do not need specific care.

Madagascar cockroach: monster or pet
Madagascar cockroach: monster or pet

Madagascar cockroaches are friendly and clean, they do not smell or carry infections (unlike, for example, red cockroaches) and do not bite. The males of these insects can reach a length of 5, 5-6, 5 cm, in rare cases - 10 cm. They do not live at home for too long - only two - two and a half years, but if you take good care of them, they are capable live up to five years. Females of hissing cockroaches emit a specific whistle during mating and when they sense danger, and males hiss. You can distinguish a male from a female by two standing horns on the prothorax (the area in front of the breast), which are available only in males. To settle Madagascar cockroaches at home or in an apartment, you need to purchase an aquarium and a special drinker (they can drown in a normal one). The bottom needs to be strewn with sawdust and leaves so that they have where to bury themselves. It is also necessary to make a kind of shelter from scrap materials, where insects will rest and hide. For this, egg trays, cardboard boxes, etc. are suitable. If this is not done, sooner or later they will get out of the aquarium and crawl to the corners. In addition to shelters, it is advisable to place driftwood and branches in the aquarium on which cockroaches will crawl. The temperature in the aquarium should be at least 25 degrees, and the humidity should be about 65%. Spray the aquarium with a spray bottle several times a week to maintain proper moisture levels. The aquarium is cleaned only once a month. As for food, Madagascar cockroaches are absolutely omnivorous: they can eat both fresh and rotten foods, so they are usually fed with leftover food. For the health and preservation of a hard shell, they are useful foods containing calcium. In short, the Madagascar cockroach is the most unassuming pet you can get; it is easier to care for than hamsters or birds. However, before acquiring a brood of these exotic creatures, be sure to discuss this idea with your household, since in spite of everything, these creatures are not for everybody.
