Chinchilla is a small animal belonging to the genus of rodents of the chinchilla family. Lives in Chile, Peru, Bolivia and the Andes. Unpretentiousness, quick addiction to the owner and simple maintenance rules make this cute creature just an ideal pet.

It is necessary
- - spacious cage;
- - cut pipe and rope;
- - sawdust or cat litter;
- - drinking bowl;
- - feeder;
- - river sand;
- - bathing tank;
- - stone for turning teeth;
- - a piece of wood from a fruit tree;
- - salt stone;
- - a small aquarium or terrarium.
Step 1
Buy and equip a cage before purchasing a chinchilla. The limited space has a depressing effect on the animal, so the cage should be such that the chinchilla can move and jump freely there. The minimum cage size for one animal is 70x70x50 cm. The distance between the rods should not exceed 1.5-2 cm.

Step 2
Choose a cage with 2-3 ladders and other climbing and jumping devices. Hang a hammock in the cage in the form of a cut plastic pipe. The diameter of the pipe should be at least 15 cm. Arrange a place where the chinchilla can hide while sleeping. Use clean sawdust or natural litter for litter.

Step 3
To prevent the animal from feeling lonely, place the cage at human eye level, in the place where you most often spend your time. Communicate with your pet at every opportunity. Do not place the cage in a draft or direct sunlight. Do not place any objects near it that the chinchilla can pull inward, such as curtains, wires, etc.

Step 4
Place a bowl in the cage to feed the animal. Attach it to the rods so that the chinchilla cannot turn it over. Place a special drinker near one of the shelves in the upper part of the cage. Make sure that there is always clean boiled water in it, change it daily.
Step 5
Chinchillas are herbivorous animals. Prepare a grain mixture for her, consisting of cereals, legumes, sunflower seeds. Don't forget to add greens to your diet. These can be dandelion, burdock, plantain, sorrel leaves. In winter, place a bunch of dry grass in the cage. Constantly add vitamin complexes to the nutritional mixtures of the animal. It can be Multitabs or Vitasol.
Step 6
In order for the animal to sharpen its teeth, which grow throughout its life, put a special stone, bought in a store, or a piece of wood from a fruit tree in the cage. Change it as needed. In addition to a tooth sharpener, put a salt stone in the cage, which is also sold at the pet store.
Step 7
Chinchillas in nature often clean their fur, bathing in the dust. Place a container with clean river sand in the cage, which you constantly refill. If the size of the cage allows, place in it a small terrarium or aquarium with sand and easy access for the animal. There, the chinchilla will be able to clean his fur as much as possible, and you do not have to clean the entire cage after bathing.