Mini pig is a term that unites several dozen varieties of decorative pigs. Among the variety of these breeds, there are the so-called giants, which reach a weight of 15-20 kg. The most popular pets for lovers of exotic pets are representatives whose weight rarely exceeds 6-7 kg. It is possible to keep miniature piglets even in apartment conditions. In content, they are absolutely unpretentious.

Diet of mini pigs

Mini-pigs in their food preferences are no different from their large counterparts. These pigs are omnivorous and gladly consume almost any food of animal or vegetable origin. This fact can be called both an advantage and a disadvantage of these pets.
Make up the daily diet of the mini-pig with special attention. The pig must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, therefore vegetables, fruits and fresh grass are offered to the animal first. To satisfy hunger, pets boil ordinary cereals with the addition of dairy or meat ingredients.
It is necessary to exclude sugar, spices and salt from the diet of the mini-pig. These supplements can harm your pet's digestion and cause discomfort. Meat and fish should be among the food offered.
Particular attention should be paid to the amount of food consumed by the mini-pig. The fact is that these animals cannot control their appetite. Everything that you treat your pet, he will certainly taste. And even if at this moment he is not hungry. This trait often leads to serious illness. The most common of these is obesity.
Mini-pigs consume a lot of liquid. You should not prohibit this. On the contrary, your pet's drinker should always be filled with clean water.
Mini pig at home
Before starting a mini-pig at home, pay attention to some of the character traits of these animals. Dwarf copies of pigs have very good memory and intelligence. They are able to memorize commands, their nicknames, places where delicious food is stored, and even walking routes. In its behavior, a mini-pig practically does not differ from a cat or a dog.
Fresh air is necessary for a pygmy pig, like any pet. That is why immediately assess the stock of your free time. The daily schedule must include at least short walks in nature.
Bathing a mini-pig is a special procedure. The fact is that pigs are very fond of water, and they need to be washed regularly. While swimming, they often frolic and have fun, so you don't have to catch or lure your pet into the bath.
Most mini-pigs quickly tame to regular cat litters, which makes them pretty much easier to keep. Each pig has its own personality, so your pet can turn out to be a sloth, a bully or a mischievous hilarious fellow. In addition, decorative pets are very trainable.