Almost all parrot breeds can learn to "talk", the only question is the amount of effort that needs to be made to achieve this. The most sociable species is the gray. The speech of these parrots can sometimes be confused with human speech.

There is no final figure as to how many species of parrots live on our planet. Scientists have managed to count more than eighty breeds and three hundred species.
Many of those who first decided to have such an exotic bird as a parrot at home are seriously puzzled. Having decided what exactly is expected from the future pet - the presence of variegated plumage, melodic trills or the ability to communicate almost on an equal footing, you can start choosing a suitable breed.
Jaco, Amazons, cockatoo, macaw, budgerigars are vivid representatives of their species, which will decorate the lives of their owners with beautiful external data and diversify with heart-to-heart dialogues.
There were cases when talking parrots accurately reproduced whole songs, knew more than 1000 words.
The vocal apparatus of many species of parrots is unique - it allows them to distinctly repeat not only single words, but even long phrases.

Budgerigars firmly occupy the first place in the popularity rating. They are distinguished by their low weight (40-50 g) and size, beautiful plumage, and most importantly - a kind, gentle disposition and an affordable price. You can find completely different colors of this breed - dark green with yellow, white, blue, green, purple and pearl.
The most gifted budgies can memorize up to sixty words. But here it is important to know - males are more capable of this. It is necessary to check the floor by wax before buying.
Parrot cockatiel

The second place in the popularity rating is occupied by cockatiels (or nymphs). In size, they are much larger than wavy - the height of cockatiels reaches 30 centimeters, and weighs up to 150 grams. The breed is optimal for those who decide to have a parrot for the first time, because these birds are unpretentious, they love fun and people, they are easy to train. And the melodic whistle of nymphs will appeal to the vast majority of parrot lovers.
Parrot gray or brown-tailed

Recently, it has become relevant to start a gray (brown-tailed parrot) in the house. They are the most capable of the talking parrot breeds, they are incredibly quick-witted and talkative. Jaco will easily memorize 200 words, and this is just the beginning. Even making a dialogue with a person or another gray is not a problem for them. And with other domestic animals - for example, with cats, these wonderful birds often behave dominantly, they feel like masters of the situation. Experts even claim that these parrots have some intelligence. But they can't stand loneliness - they definitely need a couple. They can live in a city apartment for up to 60-80 years.