How To Choose A Cat That Suits Your Lifestyle

How To Choose A Cat That Suits Your Lifestyle
How To Choose A Cat That Suits Your Lifestyle

A cat is a friend of the human soul. All breeds of cats have certain characteristics, but each cat has its own unique character. This should be considered when choosing a furry friend. It is necessary to select an animal in accordance with the lifestyle and temperament of the owner. Then caring for a new friend will not be a burden, but only bring joy and pleasure.

How to choose a cat that suits your lifestyle
How to choose a cat that suits your lifestyle

The breeds are suitable for people who spend a lot of time at home and will be able to pay a lot of attention to the cat. These cats are very active and love outdoor games, so they need a lot of free space and toys. You should keep an eye on them all the time and put on exercise equipment for the splash of activity. Demanding the attention of the owner, they follow him everywhere, take part in all household chores and love to “talk”. They are incredibly affectionate with children and get along with other animals. Thai cats are prone to training, they can memorize simple commands. The Kurilian Bobtail loves water and will swim with pleasure. Caring for them is simple, with the exception of the Maine Coon, which must be combed out regularly.

If you need an independent cat that will not get bored and is not afraid of loneliness, then choose Wayward cats calmly endure loneliness. They choose one owner, but this honor must be earned. They love to be the masters of the house themselves. They are born hunters, especially the Siberian cat. Affectionate, but do not like to be squeezed. The Russian blue prefers clean bowls and fresh water.

Elderly and lonely people are better off getting cats with a calm disposition, such as Their cute faces cause affection and the desire to caress the cat, they are not against it. Calm character, devotion and tenderness are the main features of "sofa cushions", as they are also called. They feel the mood of their owners, adore children and get along with other animals. They cannot stand loneliness and cannot live without people.

Long-haired cats have their own unique character and are suitable for everyone who does not suffer from allergies. Modest and calm will adore all family members, including animals. They are quick-witted and love to be praised. Their lush coat requires constant combing and grooming, this is the only disadvantage of these breeds.

have not a simple character, they are freedom-loving breeds. They are very attached to the owner and careful with strangers. These cats love attention to themselves, especially after a long absence of the owner. Do not have them in a family with small children, cats will be jealous of them.

Among all breeds, the breed should be distinguished separately. These cats are more gentle, kind and affectionate than other breeds. They are sociable and love people, for her all are friends. Vulnerable and sensitive, they do not tolerate loneliness. Cats should be monitored and prevented from falling from height. They have relaxed muscle tone, making them malleable and prone to injury. They adapt well to the habits and lifestyle of the owner.

Try to learn as much as possible about the breed before buying a cat. But most importantly, give your cat your tenderness and care, and she will give you her devotion and love for years to come.
