How To Name A Kenar

How To Name A Kenar
How To Name A Kenar

Table of contents:


The canary, or kenar, is a songbird of the finch family, native to the Canary Islands. She begins to sing confidently by the age of two. The name for her is of paramount importance: the more often she hears beautiful sounds, the more pleasant her own song will be, and vice versa, rough sounds will have a bad effect on her vocal abilities.

How to name a kenar
How to name a kenar

It is necessary

  • - paper and pen;
  • - a guide to vocal pedagogy;
  • - a directory of names.


Step 1

Analyze the writings of famous singers. Notice which vowels and consonants they used in their exercises. As a rule, the vowel "i" and the sonor consonant "p" give the name voiced. The syllable "ri", thus, will be an imitation of a bird's song and will cause a positive reaction from the kenar.

Step 2

Other sounds that may be present in the name: "ts", "k", "a", "e", all voiced consonants. Deaf people, especially hissing ones, will be perceived poorly. Unlisted vowels can be used, but only as unstressed ones, as an addition to the main ones indicated.

Step 3

From the directory of names, write down those that you like and meet the specified conditions. The broader the initial list, the better. If your sympathies are at odds with the initial requests (the name has sibilant or no vowels "i", "e", "a"), write down the name anyway.

Step 4

In addition to the reference book, use words that describe the appearance and character of the canary: plumage color, features of pantomime, habits. Personality traits can also form the basis for a name.

Step 5

Filter out those names that you definitely do not name your pet. If necessary, seek help and advice from loved ones. The main thing is not to follow their lead: if they advise you to cross out a name that you like, think twice, maybe it is worth leaving it?

Step 6

Repeat screening several times until about a dozen names remain. Call the kenar each of them several times, watch him and your own reaction. Choose what you both like the most.

Step 7

Train the bird to the name by calling it often by the name of your choice. Use a friendly tone, be gentle. Like any other creature, the kenar gets used not so much to a set of vowels and consonants, but to intonation and your mood.
