How To Recognize The Gender Of A Parrot

How To Recognize The Gender Of A Parrot
How To Recognize The Gender Of A Parrot

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Parrots are usually bought at a young age, when it is quite difficult to establish the floor. With age, differences begin to manifest themselves in external signs and in the behavior of birds. If you are buying a pair of parrots, then you need to be able to accurately distinguish between females and males.

How to recognize the gender of a parrot
How to recognize the gender of a parrot


Step 1

The sex of budgies can be determined by the supra-beak wax - this is a leathery formation at the base of the beak. Young parrots have waxes of approximately the same, pinkish color. But with age, when the birds are 40 days old, this growth begins to change color. In males, it becomes bluish, gradually acquiring a rich blue tint. Females have an irregular beige, whitish or yellowish waxen with white markings; with age, the color darkens and turns brown. During the moulting period, the girl parrot may change the shade of the wax to bluish, but after a couple of months this will pass.

Step 2

Look at the paws of the bird - they are pink in females. In addition, you can distinguish a boy from a girl by the edging around the nostrils - females have it, but males do not.

Step 3

Observe the behavior of the budgerigar. Males are usually more active, they like to make noise, sing, push, fly and draw attention to themselves. They also imitate sounds well and learn to speak quickly. Females are calm, love to watch what is happening from the side. They also sing, but uncomplicated, short and simple. If a girl finds herself in an unfamiliar place, she begins to clean up around herself - she throws out, in her opinion, unnecessary things from the cage. It is very difficult to teach them to speak, but if desired, you can teach a few words.

Step 4

The sex of cockatiel parrots can be determined from three months. At this age, boys begin to sing loudly, practicing vocals for two weeks. Until six months, other signs of gender will not appear. At six months, males acquire a brighter plumage, and females become rounded. But it is not always possible to unequivocally determine the gender at this age.

Step 5

When cockatiels are one year old, their sex can be easily distinguished. Boys become real handsome, they have a yellow crest, and their wings are marked with white ovals. Orange spots appear on the cheeks. Females, on the other hand, remain dusty, gray, only on the back of the wings they have yellow spots with stripes.

Step 6

By the behavior of cockatiel parrots, you can also determine the sex - just like in budgerigars, girls are calm, sleep more, and males are noisy and mobile, often banging on something with their beak.
