How To Tell The Difference Between A Male And A Female Tit

How To Tell The Difference Between A Male And A Female Tit
How To Tell The Difference Between A Male And A Female Tit

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The titmouse from the order of titmice birds is found in European countries, some Asian countries, in Africa, but most of these birds can be found in Russia. The tit dwells in forests, forest belts, on the edges, can live on trees near water bodies. She prefers living next to a person, because she can always be found in forest parks, in suburban dachas and gardens. A female titmouse can be distinguished from a male titmouse by several characteristics.

How to tell the difference between a male and a female tit
How to tell the difference between a male and a female tit


Step 1

Tits are distinguished by their small size, long tail, bright plumage. By their nature, these birds are quite mobile, nimble, fidgety. The titmouse can be distinguished from other birds thanks to its bright yellow belly and a black stripe on it. The head of the tit is bluish-dark, the cheeks are light. The occipital region is colored with a yellow spot. The neck of birds is black and smoothly turns into a dark stripe on the abdomen. The back can be gray or pale green. And the wings and tail have a light variegated color.

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Step 2

This description of the external color of the titmouse feathers is fully consistent with the males of these birds. And female titmakers are distinguished by additional features in appearance. They are very similar to males, but have duller tones in comparison with them. The head of the female tit is not as black as that of the male. Females have lighter plumage under the tail. The back of the females is gray with a green tint.

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Step 3

Again, juveniles of tits, including males, have the same dull coloration as females. That is, upon closer examination of the bird and determining its age, one can find the distinguishing features of the male from the female, but this is quite difficult to do, only biologists and ornithologists can do it.

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Step 4

There are also species of tits, the difference between which between females and males may be more noticeable. For example, the female of the great tit, or zinka, differs from the male of her breed by the dull color of the abdomen. The male blue tit has a yellow-green back, bright blue wings and tail. And the female blue tit has the same color combinations, but dimmer.

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Step 5

Among Muscovites-tits, it is impossible to find the difference between a male and a female, since they completely coincide in appearance. And young muscovites have a dull plumage tone compared to adults. The same can be said for the males and females of the Marsh Tit, or Tit. The general tone of plumage in this subspecies of tits is gray, the head is black. Young chicks have a brown cap on their heads.
