How To Grow Cat Grass At Home

How To Grow Cat Grass At Home
How To Grow Cat Grass At Home

A cat's health depends on the presence of grass in its diet. In winter and in the absence of a summer cottage, it is necessary to germinate a "green treat" for a pet at home. You cannot dig in greens in the city, it can be covered with dust and pesticides. Buying sprouted oats at the pet store is a good option, but not all cats are willing to eat sprouts.

How to grow cat grass at home
How to grow cat grass at home

The seeds are purchased from flower, horticultural supermarkets or pet stores. Subsequently, if you want to save money, you can create a plot to get a new portion of seeds in the garden. Then germinate them at home during the winter and leave them in the spring for planting. For germination, you can use soil, vermiculite (a special mineral), gauze. The container should be of medium depth (bowl, container, small pot). Seeds must be covered with foil or placed in a mini greenhouse.

Growing grass for cats on our own

When grown in the ground, the seeds are poured onto a soil base, then covered with a small layer of soil. They are preliminarily washed and soaked in water for an hour. When grown on vermiculite, seeds are first placed on the mineral and kept for an hour in cool water. Then the liquid is drained, and the material is poured into the container for germination. A container up to 5-7 cm high is enough.

When germinating in gauze, it is necessary to prepare a container with holes for excess water to drain off. A plastic container is suitable for this purpose. The seeds are soaked in cool water for a couple of hours. Then they are placed in a container with pre-laid gauze and closed on top with the same material.

Regardless of the basis chosen for growing, the seeds are watered and covered with thick cling film or a transparent plastic bag. The structure should be placed in a warm place for 3-5 days. You can offer seedlings to a cat 6-7 days after germination. Growing in vermiculite is suitable for tidy animals, more for cats than cats. Females are less likely to dig into the material and scatter it.

The grass must be looked after, watered. As much as possible, a home flower bed with proper care can stay fresh for up to 3 weeks. You don't need to overfeed your cat. You can sprout the grass once a month and additionally give your pet vitamins. If the cat eats too much grass, then it is necessary to consult a veterinarian for advice on the state of the animal's digestive system.
