When choosing a name for a lovebird parrot, take your time. This is a very important moment in the life of a bird. It is believed that the name influences the formation of the character not only of people, but also of pets.

Step 1
Lovebirds are parrots that are capable of imitating human speech. Therefore, first of all, it is worth considering whether the parrot will be able to pronounce its name in the future. It is believed that the most accessible sounds for a parrot are the hissing "k" and "h". It is preferable to use them in the name of the lovebird. For example, Kesha, Chikki.

Step 2
The "r" sound is also available for your pet. When you turn it on, the parrot will also quickly learn its name. A nickname like Ricci is a good option for a parrot, it has the sounds "r" and "h" that are convenient for the bird. It is definitely worth avoiding nicknames in the pronunciation of which there are sounds "m", "l" and "n". Lovebirds reproduce them very poorly.

Step 3
It is not surprising that the owners, in most cases, carefully consider the name for the pet, because the nickname is also a way to show their love, to give attention to the bird. Lovebirds are adorable creatures. Looking at them, of course, I want to come up with something exotic. However, it is worth remembering that too complex names can affect the character of the bird in an unpredictable way.

Step 4
For example, if you name the lovebird Don Carleone, then it is unlikely that he will be the owner of a good-natured, cheerful disposition. In addition, the bird will take a very long time to remember the nickname. It might be better to come up with something simple but positive. Perhaps you will like the name Chmok, Coconut, or even Chupa-chups. A funny name with a couple of syllables will be easy to pronounce and can cheer you up and your loved ones.

Step 5
If the bird was bought as a gift for a child, then when choosing a name, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of your baby's speech skills. It is better that from the first day of the lovebird's stay in the house, your child can fully pronounce his name, otherwise the bird simply will not be able to perceive it and reproduce. You should not use nicknames similar to the names of your loved ones. This will confuse the bird and lead to learning problems.

Step 6
Once you've come up with a name, don't try to get quick results from the lovebird. Perhaps the parrot will remember it and reproduce it only after a few weeks or even months. Each bird, like a person, is individual. Repeat the name affectionately, but clearly, because the pet should like it.